When you receive a job offer, it's appropriate to send a thank-you email or letter. Even if you’ve already accepted the job offer verbally, sending a note allows you to confirm the new position formally. It’s also a good way to start your professional relationship on the right foot....
Thank you so much for offering me the job as [职位] at [公司名称]. It was a pleasure meeting you and your staff at the interview. I am very glad to become a part of the team. or I wanted to formally thank you for the job offer for the [职位] role. I am very excited to beg...
Thank you Email 不光是为展现个人素质,传达了对职位以及对进入该公司的渴望与重视。同时,如果是一个比较受欢迎的职位,面试官可能面了太多的候选人,这个时候,一封 Thank you Email 恰好能唤起他对你的回忆和好感。 更重要的是,Thank you Email 还是一个非常好的再次展现自己的机会:你可以补充面试中忘记提供的重要...
Thank you Email 不光是为展现个人素质,传达了对职位以及对进入该公司的渴望与重视。同时,如果是一个比较受欢迎的职位,面试官可能面了太多的候选人,这个时候,一封 Thank you Email 恰好能唤起他对你的回忆和好感。 更重要的是,Thank you Email 还是一个非常好的再次展现自己的机会:你可以补充面试中忘记提供的重要...
To help you save time, we have created a standardformal thank you letter or email to employees template you can use to create your own thank you note to employees. Use this formal thank you letter to say thank you to employees. Of course, feel free to customize this formal thank you ...
[Your job search email address] 再次说明,Thank-You Letter没有固定写法,要具体问题具体分析,要充分发挥你的写作才能。要逻辑严谨、用词得当、结构清晰,千万不能有语法和拼写错误(Double check, triple check!)。 DBC的VIP一对一求职辅导项目包含导师为学员定制修改面试后的Thank-you email和Follow-up email。
Don't worry if it's your first time; we offer you thank you email templates and examples that you can use to say thank you in any situation.
Thank You Wedding Cards 感谢你的结婚卡 “Thank you for coming today. It’s been such a wonderful day, and we really appreciate you sharing it with us.” /“Thank you for the gift, and for joining us today. It’s been so special, and we’re really glad you were her.” /“Thank ...
Thank you Email不光是为展现个人素质,传达了对职位的重视。同时,如果是一个比较受欢迎的职位,面试官可能面了太多的候选人,这个时候,一封Thank you Email恰好能唤起他对你的回忆和好感。 更重要的是,如果事后回顾,对自己在面试中的表现不满,Thank you Email还是一个非常好的再次展现自己的机会:您可以补充面试中忘...
Thank You Wedding Cards 感谢你的结婚卡 “Thank you for coming today. It’s been such a wonderful day, and we really appreciate you sharing it with us.” /“Thank you for the gift, and for joining us today. It’s been so special, and we’re really glad you were her.” /“Thank ...