You're listening to the natural voice of a native speaker of Mandarin Chinese. English translations thank you, thanks, vote of thanks Chinese characters: For obtainingstroke order animations, visit the links to the individual characters below. ...
In native Chinese characters, spell the response out as 多謝. A rough pronunciation of do jeh is daw-dyeh. If you are thanking someone for a gift in advance, say “doh je sin” instead of “doh je.” 2.Use “m goi” for service. If someone performed a service or favor for you, ...
In Chinese culture, this is no different. This phrase in Mandarin is 谢谢 (xiè xie)! It’s such an important and useful phrase. So if there is one phrase you should master in Chinese, it is 谢谢 (xiè xie).Meaning谢谢is composed from two characters, while it sounds like the same ...
Rather than just going with the usual 谢谢, why not broaden your horizons a little and learn some alternate ways to thank your Chinese friends?So, today we discuss 23 alternate ways to express your gratitude in Mandarin!Thank You in Chinese – How do you Say Thank You in Chinese? Thank ...
How To Pronounce Thank You In Chinese Although the two characters are the same, the pronunciation of the characters is different. The first 谢 has the4th tone pronunciation(xiè), while the second (xie) is neutral, also known as the5th tone. ...
西班牙文翻译西班牙文翻译 汉语拼音 gănxiè 听取发音(普通话即没有口音的标准汉语) You cannot listen to the pronunciation of ganxie because your browser does not support theelement. 您在听的是由以汉语为母语的人的自然发音 英文翻译 您可以点击右上角对应国家的国旗来获取德文,法文和西班牙文翻译 ...
xiexie - 谢谢 - xièxie (thank you的英文翻译) 英文翻译英文翻译 德文翻译德文翻译 法文翻译法文翻译 西班牙文翻译西班牙文翻译 汉语拼音 xièxie 听取发音(普通话即没有口音的标准汉语) You cannot listen to the pronunciation of xiexie because your browser does not support theelement. ...
But the official spoken Chinese is the mandarin. Mainland Chinese use simplified characters. But overseas Chinese are more used to the traditional characters. Some ca 汉语是最多的人口讲话的语言在地球上。 它也是其中一联合国工作语言。 书面中国人是相当普遍的。 但官员讲话的中国人是普通話。 大陆中国...
thats when i i i look thats when you know thats where well find thats whyyou go away- thatswhatyouvebeenwor thats all thatt it thatfor all i knewcou that adv thatbyinnyu temple thatched thatcher moment thats how i know thats life boy thats my car thats why i play the thats why i...
thank you in there thank you thank you v thank you thanks thanking you thanks all friend thanks be to our dear thanks bobby thanks for comingmrs thanks for dark and s thanks for home and t thanks for offering thanks for spreading thanks for taking me thanks for the book thanks for your...