In Germany “Thank you.” isdankeschön. The first word of the phrasedankemeans thanks. This is followed byschön, which in German is “beautiful”. Now in German there are other ways to express one’s gratitude. There are more formal and more casual ways to do this. 2- Danke. Let...
1. **问题1:**根据第一张表格,德语的"Thank you"是"Danke"。 2. **问题2:**根据第一张表格,"Merci"是法语的"Thank you",John来自巴黎,巴黎说法语,所以John可能会说"Merci"。 3. **问题3:**根据第二张表格,"Thank you very much"是正式的表达,可以用在正式信函中。 4. **问题4:**根据第二张...
As with many languages, German offers a number of variations of how to say thank you. Start with the simplest forms of how to say thank you in German (as a tourist or visitor you can mostly get by with the very simplest form). Then add other forms of thank you to your vocabulary ...
Danke (thank you in german) text with marker business concept,站酷海洛,一站式正版视觉内容平台,站酷旗下品牌.授权内容包含正版商业图片、艺术插画、矢量、视频、音乐素材、字体等,已先后为阿里巴巴、京东、亚马逊、小米、联想、奥美、盛世长城、百度、360、招商银行、
2018年8月19日 具体的国家或地区 印度 @chang245thank you ( danke ) 🙂 Yukiyun 2018年8月19日 具体的国家或地区 德国 danke schön 这个答案有帮助吗? 您为什么回答“嗯...”? NOMASAN 2018年8月19日 具体的国家或地区 德国 danke or danke schön ...
THANK YOU in German: Danke is the most basic form to say ‘thanks’ in German Whether you are in a formal or informal setting,‘danke’is the ‘one fits all’ solution. Here are some instances when you could use it: When you receive a compliment ...
What shocked me the most as a German Girl living in Japan|全英文字幕 考研/托福雅思 1410 -- 8:37 App 南怀瑾:家人相处的最佳模式,是这三个字 464 1 2:35 App 这个视频送给所有在利益众生的小伙伴 212 -- 1:19 App 每日英语打卡 1070 6 1:08 App 拯救听说40 | 我不允许任何人错过这堂超酷...
德国海警:This is German coast guard. - 这里是德国海岸警卫队 英国船员:We are sinking! We are sinking! - 我们在下沉!我们在下沉! 德国海警:Emmm… What are you… sinking (thinking) about? -嗯……你们在……沉(思考)个啥? 那么tha...
Knowing how to say thank you in German has certainly come in handy over the years I was travelling throughout Europe. And as for being in France, there is perhaps no nicer way to end an interaction than a simple “merci!” So if you want to say thank you in different languages, we...
nominal) Middle English: favorable thought, goodwill, gratitude, (in singular and plural) expression of thanks; Old Englishthanc(in singular) expression of thanks, origin, originally, thought, thoughtfulness; (verb, verbal) Middle Englishthanken,Old Englishthancian(cognate with Dutch, Germandanken)...