Angela, I can’t believe you got the entire marketing department to chip in for that crib for mybaby shower. And just like the humble person you are, you didn’t even take credit for researching and shopping for such a beautiful gift for my new baby. You are truly the most humble, s...
ShowyourappreciationwithhandwrittenChristmasthankyounotesandsaythankyouforallthosethoughtfulChristmasgiftsorChristmashospitality.Don'tforgetfriendsorfamilywhoslavedoverahotstovetoserveyouthatscrumptiousChristmasdinnerorifyouwereinvitedtoanamazingChristmasorNew Y e a r 's E v e p a r ty ? If y o u h a ...
Of course there are actual occasions when thank you notes are basically expected, but huge life changing events are not the only time a thank you note is called for. In fact, the more surprising the thank you note is — the more special it will make your recipient feel. Below are some ...