It’s important to remind your mom how thankful you are for her, no matter what age you are. Make a point to show your appreciation in a big way with a personalized thank youquote for Mom. She won’t be able to stop smiling after she receives this sweet note filled with gratitude. ...
The ones he chose said “USMC Vietnam Veteran” and they had to be camo, of course! So to my dad, this proud daughter says, “Happy birthday, Dad! Thank you for loving all of us and giving us a life we could be proud of! 🙌🏽🇵🇷🇲🇽🇺🇸 God bless you, Dad!“... be able to do finer timing (the RP2040's programmable I/O is pretty slick), although has the same limitation of the OP's solution, in that having to send a few bytes of brightness data to the WS2812 has slightly more timing jitter than toggl...
We’re very interested in adding more ranged dps to our roster at and a second mage is one of our biggest needs at the moment. I’ll post a quote of our info and try to contact through discord. The short version is that we’re 7/9M (soon to be 8) and raid Tues, Wed, and T...
An interesting idea, although there's a high likelihood that the circuitry needed to properly drive an LED emitter from a computer's audio output would wind up more complex and expensive than the off-the-shelf USB gadget used here.
Quote Well then, who are these people and why have you not thanked them yet! Iq_132: adding new game drivers and making much more games possible I've repeatedly expressed that I don't give a single shit about being credited. I do what I do because it is fun or interesting. If I ...
Hair Trigger US Veteran Join Date: Feb 2016 Location: western NC Posts: 3,505 Likes: 2,956 Liked 7,904 Times in 2,493 Posts My 4" M25-5 was my first .45 Colt, have added three more since then. I don't see it as similar to the magnum...
wow veteran playing, for 11 years very dedicated raider , always ensuring I do everything I can prior to raid so I can perform at a high level. also very timely never late and if absent ever lots of notice would be given. along with this dedication, I strive to parse as highly as ...