Anita's Cantina is the place to be. Hill top curry Indian restaurant is perfect for those seeking flavorful Indian curries, while Dragon Cello Restaurant offers a fusion of Vietnamese and international dishes. Finally, Phuong Nguyen Restaurant is a great choice for those looking to savor traditio...
Tùng TeA、TaynguyenSound、PC - Mây Lang Thang 专辑:Mây Lang Thang 歌手:Tùng TeATaynguyenSoundPC 还没有歌词哦
Pham Van Phuc - Mung Tay Nguyen Chien Thang 专辑:Hoa Tau Hy Vong Tinh Yeu 歌手:Pham Van Phuc 还没有歌词哦
HK$ 60.5per night This is the cheapest price in 30 days, based on the rates on 9 Sep No rating Free WiFi 24-hour front desk See details 78/35, Nguyen Nhu Do(Hoa ThoTay, Hai Chau) Da Nang International Airport, 4.6km, About 9 mins from hotel by car ...
200 Yen Phu Street, Tay Ho District, 西湖区, 河内, 越南, 100000 - 查看地图 "远离喧嚣,前往充满活力的西湖区,在 Thang Loi Hotel 体验湖畔生活。迷人的湖景、时尚的咖啡馆和时髦的餐厅等待着两位寻求刺激度假的旅客。在波光粼粼的泳池、酒吧和沙龙中放松身心。享受设备齐全的客房""配备空调、阳台、无线网络...
Khoi Nguyen Hotel Ly Chinh Thang 31 Ly Chinh Thang, District 3, 3区, 胡志明市, 胡志明, 越南 退房日期1月9日, 周四 查看空房和价格 1/1 酒店 酒店优势 24小时办理入住 7.1位置不错 31 Ly Chinh Thang, District 3, 3区, 胡志明市, 胡志明, 越南 ...
Finally, Phuong Nguyen Restaurant is a great choice for those looking to savor traditional Vietnamese flavors. With such a wide array of dining options, you'll never run out of delicious choices near Thang Loi Hotel.Shop 'til You Drop at Thang Loi Hotel's Surrounding Shopping LandmarksThang...
您也可以前往The Republic享用創意料理,或是到Anita's Cantina品嚐墨西哥風味美食。如果您想要品嚐正宗的印度咖哩,Hill top curry Indian restaurant將是您的首選。此外,您還可以前往Dragon Cello Restaurant品嚐越南料理,或是到Phuong Nguyen Restaurant品嚐當地特色美食。
您也可以前往The Republic享用創意料理,或是到Anita's Cantina品嚐墨西哥風味美食。如果您想要品嚐正宗的印度咖哩,Hill top curry Indian restaurant將是您的首選。此外,您還可以前往Dragon Cello Restaurant品嚐越南料理,或是到Phuong Nguyen Restaurant品嚐當地特色美食。
此外,您還可以前往Dragon Cello Restaurant品嚐越南料理,或是到Phuong Nguyen Restaurant品嚐當地特色美食。周邊購物地標升萊飯店位於河內市中心,周圍有眾多購物地標可供遊客盡情探索。您可以前往Zo Project、Lacquer and more、George's Fashion Boutique、L'Atelier、Zeds Threads等精品店尋找獨特的禮品和紀念品。如果您對...