However, the differences in CNS and CV toxicity between dextrometrophan, dextrorphan, and bupivacaine are not significant. We found a difference of 25-30% between drugs in the time required to produce CNS or CV toxicity. Considering that there might be some error in the deter- mination of ...
targets. The statistical significance of fixed effects parameters was calculated via the Satterthwaite approximation for degrees of freedom. Least square means post-hoc tests were used to compare each of the three targets to one another, with the fixed effect of target dummy coded in this instance...
Naathan Phan 别名:Nathan Bao Quoc Gia Phan、SungHero、Gecko、Phan 外文名: 性别: 国籍:演员 身高:0cm 体重:0kg 民族: 星座:狮子座 血型: 出生日期:19880820 出生地区: 职业:演员 毕业院校: 经纪公司: 明星/评论:当前有0条评论, 人气:0°