Thames Water bills will soar to average 354 biggest rise in countryHOUSEHOLDS in London are to face the biggest increase in water bills in Britain this year, with rates rising by more than double the rate of inflation to an average Pounds 354.Tobin, Lucy...
such as water saving tap and shower heads. Smart metered customers use on average 17 per cent less water than those without a meter and typically high-using households can reduce their usage by around 100 litres per day following a smarter...
Thames Water is in trouble: cash-strapped, struggling to control sewage outflows and water leakage, and without the storage capacity to deal with shortfalls during hot weather. Concerns over the future of Britain’s biggest water provider reached a peak this week when investorsrefused to inject...
Running through some of the drier parts of mainland Britain and heavily abstracted for drinking water, the Thames' discharge is low considering its length and breadth: the Severn has a discharge almost twice as large on average despite having a smaller drainage basin. In Scotland, the Tay ...
Usage was very small, Continuing to fall, And at every station call, There’d be a disused ticket hall. And I said let’s all meet up on Thameslink 2000, Won’t it be great when we’re all on Mark 5s, Hauled by ninety threes at one forty miles an hour. ...
It highlights the need for fuller assessment of water storage/sediment/biota interactions for phosphorus and for caution in using boron as a long-term tracer for effluent inputs, its concentrations having declined markedly in response to reduced usage in washing powders: the value of using sodium ...