(0) CHEM C-1000 Beginner Chemistry Set Price$62.95 0.00 (0) Guardian Angel Pillowcase Price$14.25 5.0 (4) Intro to Engineering Science Kit Price$29.95 0.00 (0) Kids First Science Laboratory Price$45.95 5.0 (1) Physics Pro Price$85.95 ...
Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH & Co. KG — Kosmos for short — based in Stuttgart, Germany. Founded in 1822, Kosmos operated solely as a book publisher until the 1920s, when the company published its first science kits aimed at explaining the world of science to children and young adults by...
Solar System Project Kit, PlanetModel Crafts for Science Projects Shipping, arrivesin 3+ days thames and kosmos solar thermal lab science kit Add Now $9.95 current price Now $9.95 $16.32 Was $16.32 +$6.37 shipping thames and kosmos solar thermal lab science kit ...
Thames Kosmos Alternative Energy and Environmental Science Stirling Engine 科教玩具,可使用太阳能驱动一辆玩具车,适合12岁以上孩子。现特价仅$49.98,免运费。节省多达$150.01 (75%)!不错的圣诞礼物哟 ,美国打折网
Thames and Kosmos Helps Dinosaurs Come to Life For...Anton Skorucak
The purpose of the course is to incorporate science and technology into the teaching of electricity and energy transfer, while introducing students to the topics of alternative energy, namely solar cells and fuel cells. This course consists of seven labs that use a multimeter, a solar cell, and...