Vittori Antisari, LiviaSpringer International PublishingWater Air & Soil PollutionFerronato C,Carbone S,Vianello G,et al. Thallium Toxicity in Mediterranean Horticultural Crops(Fragaria vesca L.,Mentha pulegium L.,Ocimum basilicum L.)[J]. Water Air Soil Pollut,2016,227:375....
Riyaz R, Pandalai SL, Schwartz M, Kazzi ZN. A fatal case of thallium toxicity: challenges in management. J Med Toxicol. 2013;9(1):75–8. Central7] Riyaz R, Pandalai SL, Schwartz M, et al. A fatal case of thallium toxicity: ...
long‐term follow‐upneuroelectrophysiology: toxicityneurologic outcomethallium poisoningIntroduction Thallium poisoning is a rare occurrence. Therefore, thallium poisoning is easily misdiagnosed and is often accompanied by a series of serious sequelae and can even result in death in severe cases. Here, ...
Ef- fects of Prussian blue and N-acetylcysteine on thallium toxicity in mice. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol. 1997;35:163-6.Meggs WJ, Cahill-Morasco R, Shih RD, Goldfrank LR, Hoffman RS (1997) Effects of Prussian blue and N -acetylcysteine on thallium toxicity in mice. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol...
Recently, remove Pb2+ ions from drinking water has been focused due to its high toxicity to our health, such as nausea, convulsions, coma, renal failure, c... JA Azpeitia,A Zepeda,L Torres,... - Iccn ;international Conference on Computational Nanoscience & Technology;nsti Nanotech Ventures...
Conclusions The present study revealed a significant negative association between maternal thallium exposure during early pregnancy and cord blood leukocyte mtDNAcn in Chinese newborns, pointing to the important role of mitochondria as a target of thallium toxicity in early pregnancy.Previous...
Agatha Christie made use of thallium’s toxicity in her novelThe Pale Horse. One symptom the victims experienced, including one of the amateur investigators, was that their hair came out in clumps. Characteristics: Thallium is a very soft, malleable, lustrous low-melting, silvery metal that tarn...
History and Uses Physical Properties Sources Reactions Toxicity Product Name: THALLIUM Synonyms: Ramor;thallium,elemental;Thallium standard for AAS;Thallium standard for ICP;Thallium(I) nitrate solution;thallium metallic;Thallium rod, 12.7mm (0.5in) dia, 99.99% (metals basis);Thallium rod, 12.7mm ...
Radiotoxicity of thallium-201 in mouse testes: inadequacy of conventional dosimetry. When TI-201 is concentrated in mouse testes, the low-energy Auger electrons following its electron-capture decay are found to be much more effective in cau......
Günther, M.: Einfluß von kolloidalem Ferrihexacyanoferrat(II) auf Retention und Toxizität von Thallium(I) bei der Ratte [Influence of colloidal ferrihexacyaniferrate(II) on retention and toxicity of Thallium(I) in the rat]. KFK-Bericht 1326, Kernforschungszentrum, Institut für Strahlen...