In 1994, Chinese university student Zhu Ling began experiencing stomach pain, hair loss and partial paralysis. By the time doctors diagnosed Ling with thallium poisoning about four months later, she was in a coma. Ling survived, but she suffered permanent neurological damage. A police investigation...
The often-delayed manifestations of some toxic effects and the wide-spectrum of symptoms caused by heavy metal poisoning may perplex the clinical diagnosis and, when involved in crimes, complicate the forensic investigation. To investigate the original intoxication process of a thallium poisoning case,...
回复@多吃点好的: 对原始报告感兴趣的人,我把文章传到这里了: O2018-MinHe.pdf 这个文章是公开的。Details of a thallium poisoning case revealed by single hair analysis using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry @帮助朱令 这个值得一读:朱令铊中毒案(2018新数据解读)O第五篇:朱令...
aImplicit coercion of a value of type String to an unrelated type mx.core:UIComponent. 类型串的价值的含蓄压服对一个无关的类型mx.core :UIComponent。 [translate] aTo summarize the experience of caring 1 case of patient with severe thallium poisoning 总结关心病人1个事例的经验有严厉铊毒化的 [...
a请看下面客人的邮件 Please look at following visitor's mail[translate] acardiomyopathy is mediated by non-myocyte 心肌病由非肌细胞斡旋[translate] aReview the nursing process of 1 case of patient with severe thallium poisoning 回顾病人1个事例的护理过程有严厉铊毒化的[translate]...
Details of a thallium poisoning case revealed by single hair analysis using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry 使用激光烧蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱法分析单根头发揭示铊中毒案例的细节(机翻) 10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.10.002 背景 一、论文的两位作者, Richard D. Ash, Research Scientist...
The incidence of thallium poisoning has increased in recent years, mainly because of the therapeutic use of thallium acetate as a depilatory agent in ringworm and allied diseases of the scalp, and also because of the use of a depilatory cream1 available to the public.It is not generally known...
Medical Journal of AustraliaJohnson, W. 1960. "A case of thallium poisoning during pregnancy," MedJAust. 47:540-2.Johnson W (1960) A case of thallium poisoning during pregnancy. Med J Aust 2: 540–542Johnson W (1960) A case of thallium poisoning during pregnancy. Med J Austr 7:540–...
Correction to: Repeated poisoning of the life partner by thallium — a case of questionable Munchausen by adult proxy syndrome with ensuing attempted murderLIFE partnersTHALLIUMMURDERPOISONINGADULTSFORENSIC medicineInternational Journal of Legal Medicine -...