The thalamus is a subcortical structure that is highly interconnected with various brain regions. In this Perspective, Kai Hwang and colleagues examine the role of the human thalamus in the systems-level control of information processing. The thalamus is a small, bilateral structure in the ...
The thalamus is important in trafficking sensory information in the brain from and toward the cortex, changing its gating pattern as a function of the sensory state (sleep or awake). The principal sensory relay thalamic neurons have reciprocal glutamatergic connections with the cerebral cortex. The ...
On the other hand, the pineal body is part of the brain machinery that controls circadian rhythms. Among the molecules that control epithalamic development, Fgf8 is a key factor governing the habenular and pineal specification because downregulation of Fgf8 leads to the reduction or lack of both ...
To assess the impact of c-JUN on neural development within a model that closely mimics physiological conditions, we generated COs in an unguided manner (Fig. S4A). This whole-brain model exhibits preliminary ventral and dorsal axes and regional aggregation phenomena, with neural connections between...
Neuronal responses to visual stimuli depend on both the nature of the stimulus and brain state. Here we examined the contrast sensitivity of visual thalamic neurons as awake rabbits shifted between alert and nonalert states. We found that despite a large increase in response gain with alertness, ...
A whole-brain voxel-based morphometry analysis was performed, and all significant regions (p Results: The F-test showed in voxel-based morphometry analysis a strong overall difference among the groups in the middle frontal and temporal gyri and in the bilateral hippocampi, thalami, and ...
Brain regions with similar activity fluctuations over time are grouped at one end of a gradient, and collectively they exhibit less similarity (and greater functional differentiation) than the cluster of regions located at the other end of the gradient. Here we focused on the primary gradient, ...
On the contrary, when the GABAergic neurons of the TRN themselves are inhibited, ThalamoCortical relay neurons are active, and ThalamoCortical neurotransmission is allowed (the thalamic gate is open). Due to its intrinsic pacemaking properties, the TRN has been considered the "brain rhythm generator...
| 涵盖食品科学、生物化学、药理学、神经科学等领域在本期专题征稿集锦中,我们精心整理了最新【生命科学】征稿信息,涵盖食品科学、生物化学、药理学、神经科学等多个领域。我们希望通过这些信息,为广大研究人员提供更适合的发表平台,展示您的最新研究成果。神经科学1. The Thalamus in Cognition and Action认知与行动中...
The diencephalon includes the thalamus. It is found immediately above the midbrain, deep in the forebrain. On each side of the third ventricle, there is the thalamus. Its anterior section creates the interventricular foramen's posterior boundary. ...