VAT Refund for Tourists Thailand | 泰国游客退税步骤 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ2 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 泰国驻上海总领馆官方微博 查看更多 a 387关注 93191粉丝 2759微博 微关系 他的关注(386) 上海商务 大众点评 飞哥说留学...
At the airport, go straight to the VAT Refund for the tourist office before you check in for your flight. If the total value of your goods is at least 20,000 THB, you will be asked to present the goods and the VAT Refund Application for Tourists form (P.P.10). So you should put...
遊客退稅條件 1. 貨物必須從顯示 "VAT REFUND FOR TOURISTS" 標誌的商店購買 2. 要求退稅貨物必須從購買之日起60天內從泰國離境 3. 每家商店每天購物總值至少2000泰銖 (含增值稅) 4. 在購物當天, 遊客必須出示護照, 並要求店家向遊客簽發退稅申請表 (P.P. 10) 和稅務發票原件 5. 遊客必須向海關官員出示貨...
The tourists can choose to get their refunds through credit cards or bank accounts. Ekniti said the new technology can help reduce congestions at VAT refund counters. The Revenue Department also revealed figures indicating that 2.6 million foreign tourists claimed VAT refunds in 2019. Meanwhile good...
但务必注意要符合以下条件:1. 必须从标有VAT Refund for Tourists(外国游客购物退税)的商店购物。2. 必须在同一天,同一家店买了至少2000泰铢的东西。3. 购买物品的总额必须超过5000泰铢。4. 购物时必须从商店领取并填好PP10 VAT refund form (需要出示护照给商场工作人员)5. 必须保留所有小票(receipts)和刷卡...
記得要認准 VAT REFUND FOR TOURISTS 字樣,在消費前問清店家有沒有退稅,因為類似SPA、食肆等是不可以退稅的。到了曼谷機場,記住一定要在check in航班之前,去找海關的窗口。曼谷機場退稅的海關視窗在二樓航空公司的櫃檯後面,有很大的標記。 而從2013年9月開始,新稅制底下退稅比例不再是從前的7%,而是改成愈多錢...
Getting your VAT refund for tourists in Thailand faster and easier with Thailand VRT Application. No more queueing at the airport when you already late and trying to catch a flight for your next destinations. You can even request for your refund amount after departed Thailand and safely arrived...
1. VAT refund only applies to goods taken out of Thailand within 60 days from the date of purchase. 2. The goods must be purchased from stores displaying the "VAT REFUND FOR TOURISTS" sign so when buying check which stores show the VAT. ...
游人在泰国购物,归国时能够 规定退回7%的所得税。在选购了有“vat refund for tourists”的标示的货品,满2000B,可在购物当日凭护照签证填好一张退税申请表,随后复印一张初始税金凭据。 交通出行 泰国交通出行还是挺便捷的,BTS就是说轻轨站,MRT就是说地铁站,的士起步费35铢/3千米,本地的士有许多色调,价钱基础一...