A shopping mall call Central Plaza (5.3KM) and ladies hand bag shop Naraya (5KM) is near, only less than 50baht. Or walking distance about 300meter there is a roadside food stall, 24hours mini market and a Japanese restaurant.The hotel staff know Chinese as a lot of tourist from ...
NARAYA is in central world, business is really good, everybody is holding shopping box 1 basket of buy, we turn two big circle, bought 3 small bag, really very cheap, quality is very good also. But the style is not particularly attractive. Features are cheap, practical. The 5 floor ...
Silom的街道,充斥著不同的味道,好多好多的路邊攤,售賣者不同的食物,衣服,accessories..一路走到naraya的shop, 總算有一些收穫。第二晚,雨下得更大了。還好,真的還好,不然那裏都不能去了。 第三天,乘著還有一點時間,就到飯店附近逛逛,附近有個公園,不少人也在那邊做運動。跟車水馬龍的街道形成了強烈的對比...