Expect 34°C daytime maximum temperatures in the shade with on average 8 hours of sunshine per day in Thailand in March. Check more long-term weather averages for Thailand in March before you book your next holiday to Thailand in 2025/2026....
Thailand Weather in March Overview Average temperature range: 27–34°C (80–93°F) Average rainfall: 25 mm (1 inch) Average rainy days: 13 Average sunny days: 15 In Thailand, March ushers in the hot season. The country heats up as the days go by, especially in the north and central...
Thailand climate in March features high temperature and low precipitation. It is shoulder season and better to visit cooler northern parts like Chiang Rai.
Summer/ Hot Season: March - May Average Temperature: 23-36℃(73.4-96.8℉) Clothes Recommendation: sun-protective clothing, sunhats, cotton or flax short sleeves, skirt, shorts or other cool and ventilate clothes outdoors; thin coat indoors with air conditioner. Thailand weather in summer is bur...
March is a slightly warmer month than February in Bangkok. There is more rainfall than the two previous months of the year, but the 50mm rainfall for March normally occurs over five days. However, there's also nione hours of sunshine, so you expect good weather. Temperatures generally settl...
Temperatures fall slightly in the dry season but this is only really noticeable at night.There is a short transitional period between the monsoons during March and April. This is the hottest time of the year over the whole country. In the far south proximity to the sea moderates the heat ...
March Weather and Travel in Thailand and Vietnam Northern Vietnam (Hanoi, Ha Long Bay, Sapa): 16°C to 23°C (61°F to 73°F), dry Central Vietnam (Hoi An, Hue, Danang): 21°C to 27°C (70°F to 81°F), dry Thailand and Southern Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City, Mekong Delta...
As in any country, weather depends on your region, but generally, Thailand enjoys a warm, sunny climate with some temperature fluctuation from season to season. Thai Rainy Season (monsoon season): May to November Thai Dry Season: December to April (March to May is the hottest time of the ...
Due to its close proximity to the equator, Thailand has a largely a tropical climate. Throughout the year, they experience hot and humid weather th...
Climate information for Thailand. Prevailing weather conditions, with data in Celsius and Fahrenheit, millimeters and inches. With tips on the best time to visit and what to pack in the suitcase