THAI SELECT CASUAL Given to Thai restaurants offering Thai foods with Thai taste but have limited services or Thai dessert café where serve Thai sweet with Thai simple meal. They vary from simple setups that are small in size, offering convenience to diners such as fast food restaurants or fo...
1. 泰精选 “Thai SELECT” 标识是专门授予给顾客提供纯正泰式料理,原材料及调味品用料正宗,店面装修富有泰国特色,能体现泰国风情的泰餐厅。 2. 泰精选 “Thai SELECT” 标识并不是对企业的标准认证,只是作为筛选那些真材实料、口感纯正、提供正宗泰...
{泰精选Thai SELECT餐厅名录} 山东省青岛市芒果树暹罗街•泰洋泰国料理(市南银座店)暹罗街泰国美食(凯德广场)青岛红树林度假世界泰餐厅山东省潍坊市仙罗泰泰国餐厅(泰华店)山东省济南市Pina Banana 芭那那泰式餐厅天津市天津芭提雅泰国餐厅河北省石家庄市泰花园(翡翠书院...
Thai SELECT 4+ 专为iPhone 设计 免费 iPhone 截屏简介 The Department of International Trade Promotion (DITP), Ministry of Commerce has launched the "Thai SELECT” program to guarantee the authentic Thai taste of Thai food products and Thai restaurants in Thailand and overseas. ...
广西新闻网南宁8月24日讯(记者 陶媛)由泰王国驻南宁总领事馆商务处主办的“臻品泰美味-2021泰精选品鉴会Thai Select Festival”日前在南宁举行。近日,泰王国驻南宁总领事馆代表泰国商业部为南宁“权哥水门鸡店”餐厅授牌“简餐泰精选”。截至目前,广西已有5家泰国餐厅获颁“泰精选”认证。据悉,“THAI SELECT-...
The Department of International Trade Promotion (DITP), Ministry of Commerce has launched the "Thai SELECT” program to guarantee the authentic Thai taste of Tha…
据悉,“THAI SELECT-泰精选”是泰国商业部为推动及引领泰国美食走向世界而设立的对泰国餐厅及泰国美食水平的专业认证标识。“THAI SELECT-泰精选”要求菜单上提供至少60%正宗泰国食品,同时,这些餐馆需采用与泰国相同或类似的烹饪方法,并从泰国进口食材。全球的泰国餐厅均可申请泰精选认证审查,泰国商业部会进行评分并...
The Department of International Trade Promotion (DITP), Ministry of Commerce has launched the "Thai SELECT” program to guarantee the authentic Thai taste of Tha…
00:00/00:00 带女朋友吃饭的第二天 泰国菜泰精选 Thaiselect 一起吃饭吧 拳击那点事发布于:江西省2022.10.24 00:00 +1 首赞 带女朋友吃饭的第二天 泰国菜泰精选 Thaiselect 一起吃饭吧
The “Thai Select” restaurants are officially recognized by Thailand as a means to promote Thai dishes worldwide. Along with the frequent Sino-Thai people-to-people exchanges, the Thai dishes, agro-produces and snacks have increasingly found their way onto Yunnan’s dinner tables. ...