Yong-Ho Thae. Self: Panorama. Yong-Ho Thae was born on 25 July 1962 in Pyongyang, North Korea. He is married to Hye-Son Oh. They have two children.
(TV Movie)-Self (as Thae Yong-Ho) North Korea's Secret Slaves: Dollar Heroes(2018) (TV Movie)-Self (as Thae Yong-Ho) Frontline(2017) (TV Series)-Self(1 episode, 2017) North Korea's Deadly Dictator(十月 4, 2017)Season 36, Episode 2-Self (as Thae Yong-Ho) ...
North Korea's Deadly Dictator(十月 4, 2017)Season 36, Episode 2-Self (as Thae Yong-Ho) Panorama(2017) (TV Series)-Self(1 episode, 2017) North Korea's Nuclear Trump Card(十月 2, 2017)Season 65, Episode 36-Self (as Thae Yong-Ho) ...
Thae Yong Ho’s most recent column on North Korea’s one-man rule and its problems can be foundhere.
Young North Koreans smuggle games and books into the country through tiny memory sticks in their noses, defector revealsAlexandra Ma