DAT-Ires-Cre and TH-Cre mice bred on mixed 129S6/C57BL/6 and pure C57BL/6 backgrounds were evaluated for novelty-induced, baseline, and amphetamine (AMPH)–induced locomotion, and for AMPH and D1 agonist (SKF-38393)–induced preservative behaviors. Results DAT-Ires-Cre mice on both mixed...
Modulation of hypothalamic hunger circuits by a catecholaminergic pathway in TH-cre transgenic miceAklan, ltanAtasoy, Nilüfer SayarYavuz, YavuzAte, Tayfunoban, lknurFiliz, GizemAlkan, Fulya KksalarTopu, skalen Cansuncül, MerveDilsiz, Pelin...
*使用本品系发表的文献需注明: Th-IRES-CreERT2 mice (Cat. NO. NM-KI-200082) were purchased from Shanghai Model Organisms Center, Inc.. 验证数据 Fig1. Cre mediated recombination in brain of ThCreERT2/+;Rosa26tdTomato/+mouse.(VTA: ventral tegmental area) ...
In the inner nuclear layer (INL) of TH-Cre Ai9 mice, a dense population of TH-negative cells expressed tdTomato (tdT), in addition to sparse subsets of dopaminergic ACs (DACs, TH-positive) and starburst ACs (SACs) (Figures 1A and S1) (Vuong et al., 2015). The cell bodies of the...
Also, in animal studies, it has been shown that low pH in the skin acts on nociceptors, exciting them and thus contributing to pain sensitivity (Steen et al., 1995), and in the case of the TrkCCreERT2 mice, this could be the result of the hypoxia generated by vasoconstriction. ...
Our data show the following: (1) Insertion of Cre-recombinase into the Pnmt locus created a functional knockout of Pnmt expression with concomitant loss of epinephrine in homozygous Pnmt Cre/Cre mice; (2) Despite the reduction in Pnmt expression and epinephrine production in Pnmt Cre/Cre mice,...
Development of mice with brain-specific deletion of floxed glud1 (glutamate dehydrogenase 1) using cre recombinase driven by the nestin promoter. Neurochem Res 2014;39:456e9.Karaca, M., and Maechler, P. (2014). Development of mice with brain-specific deletion of floxed glud1 (glutamate ...
osteoarthritismiR-1Indian hedgehogtransgenic miceThe present study assessed the effects of microRNA?1 (miR?1) on the development of osteoarthritis using human tissues and a Col2a1?Cre?ERT2/GFPfl/fl?RFP?miR?1 mouse model of osteoarthritis. Human cartilage tissues (n=20) were collected for ...
Thus, Col1a2-Cre(ER)T;ROSA26mTmG mice may prove to be a valuable tool in delineating the function of proteins in this unique compartment of the IVD, and in further exploring the compositional differences between the inner and outer AF in disc homeostasis, aging and disease....