You'll clearly see the mouth position of both sounds. "Of these."这里是P音和发音的TH音连读。同样,它也十分简单。你会清晰地看到发两个音时的嘴型。 "Hope the."The lips come together to make the P, and as they part, the tongue tip comes through the teeth to make the TH. "Hope the...
th(ð) (θ) For both sounds, we put our tongue between our teeth and push air out between them. 发这两个音时,我们都把舌头放在牙齿之间,然后在牙齿之间呼出空气。 However, there is a difference. 然而,这是有区别的。 th(ð) The pronunciaitio...
I'll remind you how to make the sounds because actually there are two sounds made by the letters 'th' and I'll give you some guidelines to help you to decide when to use each sound.And more importantly, we'll practise using these sounds in sentences because that's when it gets tricky...
美语发音:th Sounds 查看《易读错单词发音视频》更多内容>> 保存到QQ日志 登录QQ空间 阅读本文的人还阅读了: 美语发音:g & k Sounds 2012-03-06 美语发音:sh & dj Sounds 2012-03-07 美语发音:ee Sound 2012-03-12 美语发音:rr Sound 2012-03-13 美语发音:y Sound 2012-03-15...
根据句子“Practicing sounds...and repeat them..."可知是要发出“th”的音,“say”有“说、讲”的意思,在这里表示发出声音,而“make”主要表示制作,“rem”不是一个完整的单词,所以答案为A.say。“as often as you can”表示尽可能经常地,这里可以理解为尽可能多地花时间练习,“time”有“时间”的意思,...
语篇练习: 例外: TH sounds 读成T音 thomas thames ester thyme thailand theresa "T"发音 T是清辅音;对应的是D浊辅音 当T落在两个元音之间时,T为浊辅音 如WATER; BETTER; BUTTER 语篇练习:听不到t音,全部浊化为d
语篇练习: 例外: TH sounds 读成T音 thomas thames ester thyme thailand theresa "T"发音 T是清辅音;对应的是D浊辅音 当T落在两个元音之间时,T为浊辅音 如WATER; BETTER; BUTTER 语篇练习:听不到t音,全部浊化为d
(1) To distinguish letter names and letter sounds of consonant digraph “th” (2) To blend the words with the letters they’ve learn. 3 学情分析 一年级的学生活泼好动,适于直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛、表演特别感兴趣。孩子...
3 Letters and sounds sh ch th th shirt chicken hree these shoes lunch teeth this Try to read.ship beach math feather 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 sh, []; shirt, [3:t]; shoes, ['Ju:z]. ch, [t]; chicken, ['tfIkIn]; lunch, [lAnt]. th, [0]; three, [Ori:]; teeth, [Ori...
Consonant sounds /θ/ and /ð/ 2018-03-18 09:46:3803:313076 所属专辑:美式英语发音秘诀 声音简介 辅音组合th的发音,也就是清辅音/θ/和浊辅音/ð/,它们是一对清辅音,浊辅音,发音时舌唇位置一样,浊辅音声带震动,清辅音声带不震动。 这两个音是老生常谈的音了,当然还是有很多中国学习者很不习惯发...