Full size image However, compared with those of presplenectomy patients, LIGHT and TGF-β1 levels were decreased significantly in patients after splenectomy (Fig. 1a, b), while no significant difference in IL-6 or TNF-α was observed after splenectomy (P > 0.05) (Fig. 1c, d). The...
Full size image Regulatory T cells (Tregs) suppress the activity of effector T cells to maintain immune homeostasis, and their number is increased in the TME. Tregs facilitate immune evasion and are stimulated to expand and differentiate by TGF-β. TGF-β in combination with IL-2 enforces a...
f Western blotting of the expression of the indicated proteins in 231.shScr, 231.shFAK#2, and 231.shFAK#3 cells treated with TGFβ (5 ng/mL) for 2 h. Full size image To gain insight into how EZH2 activates Smad2 signaling, we first measured the expressions of TGFβRI and TGF...
Download: Download full-size image Figure 1. Neutralization of systemic TGF-β in vivo restores T cell cytotoxicity A: EL4 tumor cells were infected with either empty retroviral vector (pRS), with retroviruses expressing short-hairpin RNAs against TGF-β1 (shTGF-β1), or encoding a soluble f...
Download: Download full-size image Fig. 2. BYJD decoction inhibited the formation of lung pre-metastatic niche, and thus prevented metastasis. (A) The small animal live fluorescence imaging in Model group on days 7, 14 and 21 after tumor inoculation. (B) The small animal live fluorescence ...
Full size image C) TGF-β activates nuclear factor-kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-kB) NF-kB contains five members, namely NF-kB1 (P50), NF-kB2, RelA (P65), RelB, and c-Rel. In the normal condition, NF-kB along with nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide ...
Full size image FKBP51 positively regulates the TGF-β signal in melanoma The induction of components and receptors of the TGF-β family, can occur through the action of TGF-β factors themselves [13]; we hypothesized a positive regulation of the TGF-β signal by FKBP51. Consistent with this...
DownLoad: Full-Size Img PowerPoint Effect of YOD1 Overexpression on Cell Proliferation To investigate the effect of YOD1 overexpression on HOK proliferation, the CCK-8 assay was performed after transfection for 48 h. There were no significant differences in the proliferation of HOKs between the ...
Full size image TGFβ activation pattern in AC is aligned with mechanical stress distribution and influences chondrocyte metabolic activity To understand how structural changes in SB regulate TGFβ activity in AC, we performed computerized finite element analysis (FEA) to map the mechanical stress distr...
Full size image Mice lacking TβRII in hematopoietic cells exhibited a normal-sized thymus but enlarged lymph nodes and spleen (Figure 1E), which correlated with a greatly increased cellularity of these tissues (Figure 1 F and G). TβRII-/- spleens contained increased total neutrophil and T...