激光器预失真和互相关运算的方法,实现了基于DFB激光器的TGD-OFDR系统,获得了74Km的探测距离和近端10cm,远端18cm空间分辨率,这是当前公开报道的超过60 km探测距离的OFDR的最高分辨率.进一步地,在此基础上进行了一些简化系统成本的尝试.本课题实现了一种使用较低成本的器件获得长距离,高空间分辨率的OFDR技术,具有巨大...
Development of Real-Time Time Gated Digital (TGD) OFDR Method and Its Performance Verification.doi:10.3390/S21144865Kinzo KishidaArtur GuzikKen'ichi NishiguchiChe-Hsien LiDaiji AzumaQingwen LiuZuyuan HeMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
In this paper, we present a new, real-time DAS, realized by using the time gated digital-optical frequency domain reflectometry (TGD-OFDR) method, in which the chirp pulse is divided into overlapping bands and assembled after digital decoding. The developed prototype NBX-S4000 generates a chirp...