the material is stiff and dimensionally stable. above tg, it becomes progressively softer, weaker, and more thermally expansive. a higher tg means the material retains its stiff, rigid properties at higher temperatures. this is desirable for many applications, driving the development of high tg pcb...
Murine models of AD provide a means to address these limitations, by enabling a direct investigation of AD-related pathological alterations in the brain at early disease stages. While previous genome-scale molecular investigations of AD mouse models have focused on bulk analyses of biospecimens with...
Faculty of Chemistry, “Al. I. Cuza” University, Iassy, RomaniaSpringer NetherlandsJournal of Thermal Analysis and CalorimetryTG-FTIR study on thermal degradation in air of some new diazoaminoderivatives[J] . Anca Mihaela Mocanu,Lucia Odochian,N. Apostolescu,C. Moldoveanu.Journal of Thermal ...
The crystallization of this amorphus phase has been monitored by the DSC experiments and the phases formed with time and/or after various heat treatments have been identified by means of their X-ray and electron diffraction patterns. 展开
Synthesis of Functionalized Polymers by Means of Living Anionic Polymerization, 2. Synthesis of Well-Defined Chain-End and in-Chain Functionalized Polymers... The synthesis of well-defined functionalized polystyrenes and poly(methyl methacrylate)s with 1,3-butadienyl groups has been described by the...
P < 0.05 means the difference is statistically significant. 3. Results 3.1. RSL3 suppresses GSC proliferation and self-renewal To investigate the inhibitory effect of RSL3 (Fig. 1A) on GSC proliferation, we examined its effect on the growth of human (TS576) and murine (CSC2078) GSC using...
normaI temperature to ignition temperature by means of thermogravity techni ue and offers a few kinds of reaction modeIs discussed by the Iiner correIation caIcuIation. The resuIts suggest that the oxidizing decomposition of coaI can be described as a first -order chemistry reaction Activation ene...
theWork.reload()function, called on initialization, is a "threadable" function, which means that if you call it with the argumentthreaded=True, it will return aThreadobject and work in parallel, meaning you can load multiple works at the same time. Let's take a look at an implementation...
The behavior in water has been studied by means of thermogravimetric analysis, simultaneous thermal analysis and differential scanning calorimetry. The substitution of potassium cations for protons and the water intercalation into the interlayer space of the crystal structure were observed. Proton-containing...
Modeling the effects of molecular disorder on the properties of Frenkel excitons in organic molecular semiconductors We measure the homogeneous excitation linewidth of regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene), a model semicrystalline polymeric semiconductor, by means of two-dimensional coherent photoluminescence excit...