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On a default installation of TFTP server, usinggetto retrieve files fails withError code 2: xxxx Attempt to retrieve a file using the relative path fails withError code 2: Only absolute filenames allowed. Raw # tftp localhost tftp> get testfile Error code 2: Only absolute filenames allowed...
今天做tftp下载时间会遇到以下问题。 --->8--- Load address: 0x20000000 Loading: * TFTP error: 'Access violation' (2) Not retrying... ---8<--- 查看发现的文件属性:其财产600。采用chmod更改属性(644)解决问题后。
tftp: server error: (1) File not found tftp: server error: (0) Permission denied -L这个参数表示前台运行,小写的-l表示后台运行。 客户端 tftp 8888 -c get sapiloader下载服务端的 sapiloader 文件,待下载的文件只能是普通文件,符号链接文件不支持。否则报告: tftp: server error: (0) Too...
设置的时候只要将server_args=改为你自己设定的服务器文件夹就行了 现象三: tftp> put ex070416.log Error code 1: File not found 原因: 指定的文件不存在;或tftpd启动参数中没有指定-c选项,允许上传文件 现象四(最经常出现的问题): tftp> put test2.txt ...
Reason: error-info. 创建Socket失败,原因是error-info Failed to bind address ip-address. Reason: error-info. 绑定地址ip-address失败,原因是error-info Failed to connect to server. Reason: error-info. 连接服务器失败,原因是error-info Failed to set socket attribute. Reason: error-info. 设置...
TFTP from server; our IP address is Filename 'rootfs-combo.yaffs2'. Load address: 0x22000000 Loading: * TFTP error: 'Access violation' (2) Starting again 但是以前制作好的根文件系统下载没有问题。 解决办法:
2. tftp> get file Error code 2: Only absolute filenames allowed 原因: 在/etc/xinetd.d/tftpd中设置的server_args为/etc/default/tftpd-hpa 下面是我的机器上/etc/default/tftpd-hpa配置 # /etc/default/tftpd-hpa RUN_DAEMON="yes" TFTP_ADDRESS="" ...
Reason: error-info. 绑定地址ip-address失败,原因是error-info Failed to connect to server. Reason: error-info. 连接服务器失败,原因是error-info Failed to set socket attribute. Reason: error-info. 设置Socket属性失败,原因是error-info Wrong address family type: number. 错误的地址族类型number ...
I have a number of switches on the same subnet archiving to the same tftp server. On one of my switches (and only one) I get the error "TFTP: error code 2 received - 16739" (it is not followed by the normal %Error opening...permission denied% statement) Here is the strangest part...