Arduino and PlatformIO IDE compatible TFT library optimised for the Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040), STM32, ESP8266 and ESP32 that supports different driver chips - TFT_eSPI/ at master · Jason2866/TFT_eSPI
// Only ONE line below should be uncommented. Add extra lines and files as needed. #include <User_Setup.h> // Default setup is root library folder //#include <User_Setups/Setup1_ILI9341.h> // Setup file configured for my ILI9341 //#include <User_Setups/Setup2_ST7735.h> // Set...
由于这些配置不适用于我买的这个屏幕,因此直接使用User_Setup.h中的定义。 //Only ONE line below should be uncommented. Add extra lines and files as needed.#include<User_Setup.h>//Default setup is root library folder//#include <User_Setups/Setup1_ILI9341.h>//Setup file configured for my IL...
The library contains two new functions for rectangles filled with a horizontal or vertical coloured gradient: tft.fillRectHGradient(x, y, w, h, color1, color2); tft.fillRectVGradient(x, y, w, h, color1, color2); The RP2040 8-bit parallel interface uses the PIO. The PIO now manages...
screen. These fonts are called the GFX Free Fonts (GFXFF) in this library. Other True Type fonts could be converted using the utility within the "fontconvert" folder inside the library. This converted has also been copied from the Adafruit_GFX library. ...
App 在ESP32-S3使用TFT_eSPI library使用触摸功能ILI9341 SPI TFT 1514 0 04:35 App ESP32&TFT_eSPI&ILI9488 5213 0 00:21 App ESP32-S3刷8-bit并口 和 SPI串口刷ILI9341屏 对比 (TFT_eSPI Benchmark test) 751 0 00:26 App TFT_eSPI+触摸 1577 1 00:15 App 在Arduino实现Pong Game ...
#include <SPI.h>#include <TFT_eSPI.h> // Hardware-specific libraryTFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI(); // Invoke custom library#define TFT_GREY 0x5AEB // New colouruint32_t bb=0;void setup(void) {Serial.begin(115200);Serial.println("tft is start ...");tft.init();//tft.setRotation(0)...
You need to provide a link to that library. That library either needs to let you assign pins for the SPI, or else you will need to initialize the SPI with the correct pins before you initialize the TFT object. Slonni Posts:5 Joined:Sat Dec 30, 2023 10:13 pm ...
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