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一、tftactics.gg 常用阵容评级链接:https://tftactics.gg/tierlist/team-comps 1、阵容评级及站位装备 是我在云顶S1刚开服时,写阵容简报的唯一依据,也是目前在国服玩家中流传度较广的云顶数据网站,不过现在的阵容评级感觉有些滞后,常常是版本更新当天刷新下榜单,然后排名就不动了,但实际上现在每一个版本基本都会有...
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Learn Teamfight Tactics strategy and explore TFT Set 13 - Into the Arcane. Find item and champion cheat sheets, team comps, and a how to play Teamfight Tactics guide.
TFT Academy is the brand-new utility website to master your skills in Teamfight Tactics and uncover the latest trends in the meta. Presenting the newest tier list and comps for every patch, meticulously curated by our TFT experts Frodan and Dishsoap
This article is sponsored byMetaTFT. Head over to MetaTFT and discover the best augments, items, and team comps. Check out the newLeaderboardfor the best players and their builds. Top 10 Little Legends in Teamfight Tactics TFT Set’s tierlist ranking ...
常用阵容评级链接:https://tftactics.gg/tierlist/team-comps 1、阵容评级及站位装备 是我在云顶S1刚开服时,写阵容简报的唯一依据,也是目前在国服玩家中流传度较广的云顶数据网站,不过现在的阵容评级感觉有些滞后,常常是版本更新当天刷新下榜单,然后排名就不动了,但实际上现在每一个版本基本都会有两至三个强势阵容...
Browse our complete database of the best TFT Comps for Set 13, 13.7, find the highest win rate comp build for your champion and traits.
Browse our complete database of the best TFT Comps for Set 13, 13.7, find the highest win rate comp build for your champion and traits.
1.Honeymancey Reroll It wouldn't be a TFT tier list with the existence of a premier reroll comp. In early PBE testing one reroll comp has quickly emerged as not only the best option but also a fan favorite. Of course, it would be the bee skin trait, Honeymancey. ...