Gain a Kaisa. Crash Test Dummies Escort Quest Gain a Training Dummy. You gain 3 gold every time it survives player combat. Little Buddies Your 4-cost and 5-cost champions gain 150 Health and 10% Attack Speed for every 1-cost and 2-cost champion on your board. Inspiring Epitaph When ...
Qiyana will no longer give units invisible fourth items The K/DA pattern will no longer change after triggering Last Stand The Augment Little Buddies now works with True Damage Akali Using an Item Remover on a champion without enough empty item bench slots will now bounce off rather than removi...
{'items':...KR_42475385932142.47070312583341998.146728515625{'Blaster': 1, 'Cybernetic': 1, 'DarkStar': 1, 'Demolitionist': 2, 'Infiltrator': 4, 'MechPilot': 3,...{'KaiSa': {'items': [44, 37], 'star': 2}, 'Annie': {'items': [], 'star': 2}, 'Shaco': {'items': [...
Start hoarding all Annies, Rumbles, and Kha’Zixs you can find. It’s better toplay a Vanguard comp early game, and give Shaco’s items to Jayce.An ideal early game comp would be Mordekaiser, Jayce, and Leona, with Kha’Zix. Once you find Kaisa, add her and remove Leona. By the ...
See more of your favorites, less of your least favorites, and just more Encounters in general! Every game will now have 5 Encounters The following Encounters are more likely to occur: Darius - Spoils of War, Kobuko - Dance with me, Jax - Support or Artifact, Kaisa - Golden Remover or ...