Remember, when TFT is loaded into memory at some base address, its memory layout is consistent, meaning if you start at TFT's base address and add 0x50000 bytes, you will ALWAYS arrive at the address for the local player object. This 0x50000 value is known as a memory offset (offset ...
My main project this summer was improving the combat recap feature inTFT. Currently, the combat recap shows the player how much damage their units dealt in the most recent battle. My task was to pipe in and display new event data on damage blocked, shields, and heals. This new enhancement...
When toast is put in milk, it softens, of course. It loses its strength and becomes weak, watery or wishy-washy, if you like. And from this derives the figurative meaning of milk toast – a weak, enfeebled person who’s powerless, timid and ineffective. To describe a person as milk t...