Home Features Price Download BenchMark ChangeLog SupportEnglish Conqueror's Blade PP Mobile 《Conqueror'sBlade》Database Conqueror's Blade PP is a database tool specially made by the game Jiajia team for Zhanyi conqueror's Blade: frontier. At present, the database covers East, West, rattan,...
Home Features Price Download BenchMark ChangeLog SupportEnglish Conqueror's Blade PP Mobile 《Conqueror'sBlade》Database Conqueror's Blade PP is a database tool specially made by the game Jiajia team for Zhanyi conqueror's Blade: frontier. At present, the database covers East, West, rattan,...
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Ressources.xml:Local database for Champions/Classe&Origins/Items (Translate) Prerequisite May beNet Framework 4.5 Authors Antize License Copyright@2019 Antize all rights reserved. En téléchargeant vous acceptez la récolte de données non sensible. ...
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MyProfile.xml: Default profile (Only for reset / See default settings) UserItems.xml: Default items for champions Localization.xml: Translate interface Ressources.xml: Local database for Champions/Classe&Origins/Items (Translate)PrerequisiteMay be Net Framework 4.5AuthorsAntize LicenseCopyright...