8Duelists: Gain 18% Attack Speed Per Strike and 18% Damage ReductionDarius (1-cost) Yasuo (1-cost) Qiyana (2-cost) Tristana (3-cost) Volibear (3-cost) Lee Sin (4-cost) Irelia (5-cost) Dragonlord After 8 seconds of combat, the Dragon strikes the board, dealing true damage to enemi...
One of the strongest openers within theTFTSet 11 meta is with early Heavenly champions in conjunction with Darius. The Heavenly build requires a strong board state to win-streak, along with Econ Augments, to hit Level Nine. My favorite way to set up the Heavenly build putsKayn items on Dar...
TFT champions tier list – set 13 TierTFT Champions SElise, Garen, Heimerdinger, Illaoi, Leblanc, Malzahar, Mel, Mordekaiser, Rumble, Viktor, Warwick ACaitlyn, Corki, Dr Mundo, Gangplank, Jayce, Kogmaw, Scar, Silco, Twitch, Zoe BAkali, Ambessa, Camille, Cassiopeia, Darius, Draven, Ekko, ...
I made sure Rek'Sai empowered auto-attacks don't fizzle immediately after her ultimate cast, Lilia can E-flash, Lilia’s ultimate VFX doesn’t get hidden by large champion health bars, Darius empowered attacks deal the correct amount of damage to spell...
You should level to 6 on either Round 3-4 or 3-5, before the Murk Wolves round at 3-7. At this point, you can roll aggressively to get yourcore build – Jayce, Darius, Kassadin, Rakan, Xin Zhao, and Ashe– on the board. It’sok to drop below 50 gold if you get all your ...