Kai'Sa (4-cost) Udyr (5-cost) Invoker Every 3 seconds, your units gain Mana. BreakpointsChampions 2 Invokers:5 Mana to all allies 4 Invokers:Mana to Invokers; 5 Mana to others 6 Invokers:35 Mana to Invokers; 20 Mana to others ...
Significant Teamfight Tactics balance changes made within Patch 12.1 have created opportunities without nerfing any of the best comps into the ground. Recommended Videos Nerfs were applied to Urgot, Kai’Sa, Socialite, and Yone within TFT Patch 12.1, leaving the trait and champions still viable wi...
Riot Games is planning to drop a hugeTeamfight Tactics14.8 B-patch later today, packed with nerfs to overperformers like Gnar, Kai’Sa, Xayah, and Teemo. Recommended Videos Patch 14.8wasn’t the smoothest update forTFTSet 11 as Fortune and Trickshot comps took over the meta. With the APAC...
Kai’Sa Kayle Miss Fortune Sona - Sona’s CC cleanse left little room for counterplay, so she’s been removed to make room for some new Rebels and Mystics. Soraka will have to stand on her own as healer of the galaxy. Kassadin - Kassadin was one of the unsung heroes of Galaxies. M...
Kai’Sa Kayle Miss Fortune Sona - Sona’s CC cleanse left little room for counterplay, so she’s been removed to make room for some new Rebels and Mystics. Soraka will have to stand on her own as healer of the galaxy. Kassadin - Kassadin was one of the unsung heroes of Galaxies. ...
12 Encounters will appear more often: Darius, Kobuko, Jax, Kai’Sa, Kha’Zix, Lee Sin, Ornn, Sett, Tristana, Yorick, Zoe, and Zyra Two Encounters will appear less often: Ashe and Yorick All TFT Patch 14.14 trait balance changes
Jayce: Health troll nerfed from 1,000 to 999 Viktor: Health troll buffed from 850 to 851 Kai’Sa: Mana nerfed from 75/150 to 80/160 Zeri: Spell damage buffed from 10/20/40 to 12/20/40 Veigar: Spell damage buffed from 250/300/777 to 300/325/777...
Kai’Sa: Attack speed increased from 1.1 to 1.2 Set 6.5 Items Image via Riot Games Bramble Vest is the only majorTFTSet 6.5 item getting a balance change within the 12.5Neon Nightspatch. The defensive item was too hard of a counter against critical damage, resulting in it getting toned dow...