As you may have already know, to get the most out of the effects an origin could spell for your team, it’s best to know just how many heroes belonging to that origin you will be needing. To help you with that, we’ve got the number of champions you would have to have to achieve...
Learn Teamfight Tactics strategy and explore TFT Set 13 - Into the Arcane. Find item and champion cheat sheets, team comps, and a how to play Teamfight Tactics guide.
tft sets from worst to best. this article is sponsored by metatft . head over to metatft and discover the best augments, items, and team comps. check out the new leaderboard for the best players and their builds. top 10 little legends in teamfight tactics tft set’s tierlist ranking s:...
Help yourself climb the ranks with these meta team comps performing the best on TFT patch 13.12. TFT Set 9: Runeterra Reforged launched with a very exciting set of three and four cost carries. A couple of these champions like Aphelios and Zeri have been dominating lobbies since PBE, and th...
TFT comps tier list Hextech and Bruiser traits are particularly popular and high-ranking TFT comps at the minute, with various international champions using some variation of either for the 6.5 Set. Don’t worry if you don’t know which comp might suit your playstyle, just scroll further dow...
The best 32 Teamfight Tactics competitors within the Americas region battled it out through the Set 11 Regional Finals Golden Spatula tournament for invites to the Inkborn Fables Tactician Crown World Championship. Recommended Videos Here are all the standings and scores from the NA, LATAM, and ...
TFT Comps Tier List for TFT Set 13 - Into the Arcane PBE. Discover the TFT Meta and the Best TFT Comps and Builds to play with MetaTFT
The Assassin trait was significantly buffed inPatch 12.9, making it one of the strongest breakout comps within the 12.9Neon Nightsmeta. Hitting six Assassin units results n a 60 percent critical stroke chance and 75 percent critical strike damage. The buff has brought reroll Talon back into the...
Best comps for Brand Teamfight Tactics are: Brand TFT Synergies Debonair Brand TFT Draven TFT Leona TFT Syndra TFT Talon TFT Zeri TFT Debonair champions gain bonus Health and Ability Power. If there is a Debonair VIP in play, they activate their unique bonus. (Sell the old VIP for a chanc...
Teamfight Tactics receives updates frequently which buff or nerf traits, champions, items, and even augments. So, the best way to know what the best comps or champions are is to stay in touch with the TFT patch notes and check whichteam compis trending among other players. ...