As the two top-placing players from OCE who competed in the Asian Cup, Kahdei and oubo are automatically qualified for the East Asia Finals. Joining them will be the top 2 players from the ladder snapshots and the top 4 players from the Underground Cup with a total of 8 players from OC...
In Set 8, SEA competitive players finally have an opportunity to compete against the best players in the world. Now you can qualify to the Asian Cup, and Championship through the SEA Circuit. For Korea, Japan, and Oceania players, there will be separate qualifying routes to advance to the ...
You were a great protagonist in the Italian Cup… “On a personal level, I consider it a season of growth that has had unexpected developments for me as well. For the rest I have to think about working: words are useless, it’s the field that speaks. Every game you have to be ready...
Geometric engineering is a collection of tools developed to establish dictionaries between local singularities in string theory and (supersymmetric) quantum fields. Extended operators and defects, as well as their higher quantum numbers captured by topological symmetries, can be encoded within geometric eng...