Full size image MP decreased Tfh cell abundance, increased Tfr cell abundance, and restores the balance of the Tfr/Tfh cell ratio in EAE mice Studies have shown that CD4 + CXCR5 + Tfh-like cells are located at the T-B border [35]. The Tfr cells were positive for Foxp3 expres...
Tempo effects in period fertility indicators are widely regarded as a source of bias or distortion. But is this always the case? Whether tempo change results in bias depends, in the view advanced here, on the measure used, the meaning of bias/distortion, and the objective of analysis. Two ...
Full size image TfR1 was overexpressed in six GC cells (BGC823, SGC7901, AGS, HGC27, N87, and GES1) (Fig. 3b). TfR1-negative sorted cells promoted the cell migration and invasion in HGC27 and SGC7901 cells by wound healing and Boyden chamber invasion assays (Fig. 3c, d), respecti...
Finally, a mild and late onset of autoimmune disease is observed in mice with Bach2-deficient Tregs. Thus, Bach2 balances IL-2R signaling to orchestrate development and homeostasis of various Treg subsets. Graphical abstract Download: Download high-res image (183KB) Download: Download full-size...
build the dimeric model of TFR2 interacting with TF, we docked the previously obtained model with a copy of itself, based on the relative orientation of the TFR1 dimer in the 1SUV structure. The docked pose was subjected to several trajectories of full energy optimization, and the lowest ...