a全要素生产率(简称TFP)又称综合要素生产率,是经济增长研究领域的一个重要概念,主要反映资本、劳动力等所有投入要素的综合产出效率。 The entire essential factor productivity (i.e. TFP) called the comprehensive essential factor productivity, is an economical growth research area important concept, mainly refl...
drivers can be divibed into two m —or systems , i. e. demand-driven and supply-driven , among which investment , Uy-ws and other sub-systems are closely related tv opening-up- Total factor productivity ( TFP ) is an evaluation of supply factors...
Let us learn what are the factors that affect total factor productivity. State of the Economy The factors have a relationship with the current economic status of the country/state, and that directly affects the TFP. Factors such as recessionary trends, high input costs, changes in demand, etc....
分别用 来代表TFP、 、和 的增长率,于是就得到(2), 也就是人们通常所说的技术进步速度。将(2)左右分别除以产出增长率,就得到TFP贡献率,也就是技术进步贡献率: (7) 可见,技术进步贡献率的经济学涵义就是:在经济增长中,综合要素的增长所占的份额。 如果我们可以由公式(2)计算出 ,那么就可以由公式(7)计算...
Thispaperu8etotalfactorpro—duetivitymodeltoestimatethedifferenceoftotalfactorproductivityinTanwanandFuj/anfrom1997to2007andanalysistheinfuentialfactorsofthedifference。TheanalysesshowsthattheagriculturaloutputgrowthinFujianmainlydependsontheinthegrowthof 2010年lO月廊坊师范学院学报(自然科学版)第lO卷・第5期增长...
关键词TFP资源配置效应要素产出弹性 Abstract Abstract Inthis article,we firstcarriesonthe decomposition of TFP,Andthenweestimatethe nation's production functionandthe departmentproductionfunctions,Andthenwiththe elasticitiesof productive factorswe got andthedata concerned,we Callestimatetheeffectof resources allo...