TFlex coaxial cable assemblies provides excellent protection in corrosive environments and eliminates the need for hand machine bending.
TFlex coaxial cable assemblies provides excellent protection in corrosive environments and eliminates the need for hand machine bending.
【产品】EMC推出可达35GHz通信频率的射频电缆CABLE-AL141LLSP!主要应用于雷达及天线系统! 在电缆产品方面,EMC共有四大类线缆组件产品,包括稳相线缆、测试线缆、航空航天级线缆以及同轴器件。EMC推出了具有低插损、极好的稳定性以及比固体电介质低30%功耗的CABLE-AL141LLSP,主要应用于天线及雷达系统。 2018-09-14 ...
TFlex coaxial cable assemblies provides excellent protection in corrosive environments and eliminates the need for hand machine bending.