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MD-11 的更新不只是新增功能。TFDi Design 解决了很多问题,并修复了社区报告的一系列问题。许多问题包括 MSFS 特定的 EFB 显示错误、备用高度计和高度行为、发动机排气和点火问题、ILS 跟踪不一致和自动着陆性能。其他修复解决了照明不一致、温度初始化、Navigraph 登录持久性和稳定微调功能。 至于变化,大部分都与声音...
TFDi Design 已为 Microsoft Flight Simulator 和 Prepar3D v4-v6发布了备受期待的MD-11 。 MD-11 是一款宽体三引擎客机,由麦克唐纳道格拉斯公司开发,后来被波音公司收购。它非常适合各种运营类型,包括短途和长途旅行。它的三引擎设计意味着它可以在不进行 ETOPS 的情况下飞越大片区域,并且即使在较重的负载下也具有令...
TFDi Design is a Flight Simulation-based technology and software development company. Our project types vary, but revolve around the concept of bringing efficiency and modern technology into the flight simulation world. TFDi Design has a strong foundation in the virtual airline community and proudly ...
使用TFDi Design MD-11的飞行面板自动驾驶面板,您可以使用Stream Deck Plus(+)上的物理按钮、LCD触摸屏和旋转拨盘来管理飞机的自动驾驶系统,以创造真正身临其境的体验。 飞行控制面板(FCP) 按钮控制:FMS SPD、NAV、APPR/LAND、AFS OVRD 1、AFS OVRD2、自动飞行、PROF。转盘和LCD屏幕:速度、航向、高度和垂直速度...
New project images of MD-11 for MSFS have just been released by the TFDi Design team. With three shots, we have a new preview of the virtual cockpit, a closer view of the pedestal as well as a view of the passenger cabin which is modeled....
Consider the new update version 1.1 for the Boeing 717 of TFDi Design as a major update as it loads a new 3D model for the exterior with wing flex and cabin lights, and big improvements for the AFS and MCDU systems. The update process and the complete changelog are visible on their ...
TFDi官网传送链接:机翻:今天上午,我们发布了我们的一个(不那么)神秘的鸣叫的Twitter。我们提到宣布的时候到了。因此,事不宜迟,我想宣布TFDi Design MD-11的开发。在提出问题之前,我将在这里回答一些重要的问题。-项目状态-否,我们无法宣布发布日期...
Background SDK for smartCARS 3. Latest version: 0.11.1, last published: a year ago. Start using @tfdidesign/smartcars3-background-sdk in your project by running `npm i @tfdidesign/smartcars3-background-sdk`. There are no other projects in the npm registr