群峦贸易(Merchants Addon for TFC)这款模组是 TerraFirmaCraft 的附属模组,该mod允许玩家使用群峦传说中的容器进行交易。 群峦贸易 Merchants Addon for TFC Mod 模组特点 允许玩家使用群峦传说中的容器进行交易。 主要思路是允许玩家建立仓库,然后设置一个/或多个摊位从仓库中交易货物。 允许使用群峦传说中的容器(...
the add-on was created for the HardRock modpack to supplement recipes and expand creative possibilities.Items have their own recipes for TFC Anvil, melting they also work with Vanilla Minecraft == if you use vanilla you will need to add your own crafting recipes =="TFC IE Addon" and "...
the add-on was created for the HardRock modpack to supplement recipes and expand creative possibilities. ==if you use vanilla you will need to add your own crafting recipes== "TFC IE Addon" and "Firmalife" metals compatibility If you need specific new items, please contact us, we can cre...
Tinkered. Forge, Fuel, Forage. Tinkers' Construct re-imagined into a fully fleshed out TerraFirmaCraft addon. minecraftforkaddonforgemodminecraft-modminecraft-forgeminecraftforgetfctinkertngtinkers-constructterrafirmacrafttff1122tinkerstinkersconstructtinkered ...
This mod is build as an addon for TerraFirmaCraft+, a minecraft mod which you can downloadhereif you haven't already. It was tested and working with TFC+ versions 0.84.1 -- 0.86.2, however it should also work with newer versions as long as they don't change the GUI too much. ...
和别的交易mod相比,群峦大亨支持群峦的箱子、木柴堆甚至锭堆! 一、具体来说: 1.先用箱子神马的做一个备货的货栈 2.放一个群峦大亨mod方块“货栈”(Warehouse),7x7x7范围都会被标记成货栈区域 3.使用“货摊”(Stall))方块来摆摊。 你可以给货摊制定对应的货栈,也可以规定价格、进行交易...
These are the original models that were used in Team Fortress Classic before the HD Pack was created during the steam days. I ripped them from Half-Life Version All credit goes to Valve Software I don't own any of these models.
Add addontfc_orange_bridge_v2 Location Games:Half-Life:Mods:Team Fortress Classic:Addons Filename tdm_orange_bridge_v2.zip Category Multiplayer Map Licence Proprietary Uploader Cybermax Credits Original map(gg_the_bridge_v2) - Terrorkarotte, porting - Cybermax, skybox textures - Abhishek Shukl ...
Addon for TerraFirmaCraft and Immersive Engineering that adds TFC ore vein descriptions to the sample cores created by the core sample drill. The information about the ores in the respective scanned chunk is displayed in the tooltip of the sample core, information which consists of the number of...
planks and raw stone to build millstone needed to process ores. the scheme is similar to what we remember from older versions of TFC 1.7.10 mod integrated with "FirmaLife" and "TFC IE Addon" (ores and melting) additional semi-automatic recipes working with the "Create" and "Immersive Engin...