1.2 launch文件中,使用static_transform_publisher进行静态变换 static_transform_publisher x y z yaw pitch roll frame_id child_frame_id static_transform_publisher x y z qx qy qz qw frame_id child_frame_id <launch><nodepkg="tf2_ros"type="static_transform_publisher"name="link1_broadcaster"args="...
## 后面的四元数是归一化之后的;<nodepkg="tf"type="static_transform_publisher"name="map_to_base1"args="0.3 0.1 0.1 0.39036 0.58554 0.19518 0.68313 /map /base1 10"/>## 后面的四元数没有归一化<nodepkg="tf"type="static_transform_publisher"name="map_to_basetest"args="0.3 0.1 0.1 0.2 0...
在终端中输入: ros2 run tf2_ros static_transform_publisher 按enter键,可以看到 A command line utility for manually sending a transform. Usage: static_transform_publisher x y z qx qy qz qw frame_id child_frame_id OR Usage: static_transform_publisher x y z yaw pitch roll frame_id child_fra...
ros2 run tf2_ros static_transform_publisher x y z yaw pitch roll frame_id child_frame_id 使用以米和四元数为单位的 x/y/z 偏移量将静态坐标变换发布到 tf2 ros2 run tf2_ros static_transform_publisher x y z qx qy qz qw frame_id child_frame_id static_transform_publisher被设计为手动使用的...
rosrun tf2_ros static_transform_publisher x偏移量 y偏移量 z偏移量 z偏航角度 y俯仰角度 x翻滚角度 父级坐标系 子级坐标系 2.动态坐标转换 在现实生活中,我们面对的不仅有点对点的坐标转换,还动态的坐标转换。 我们以乌龟为例来实现一下动态坐标转换 ...
from tf2_ros.static_transform_broadcaster import StaticTransformBroadcaster import tf_transformations class StaticFramePublisher(Node): """ Broadcast transforms that never change. This example publishes transforms from `world` to a static turtle frame. ...
这些工具包括: view_frames:显示坐标变换的完整树。 tf_monitor:监视帧之间的变换。 tf_echo:打印指定的变换到屏幕 roswtf:与tfwtf插件,帮助你跟踪tf的问题。 static_transform_publisher是用于发送静态变换的命令行工具。 您还可以使用
First run thestatic_transform_publisherto generatetf2data: 首先运行static_transform_publisher以生成tf2数据: 代码语言:javascript 复制 ros2 run tf2_ros static_transform_publisher1230.50.1-1.0foo bar That tool will publish a static transform from the parent framefooto the child framebarwith (X, Y, ...
#include <tf2_ros/static_transform_broadcaster.h> #include <memory> using std::placeholders::_1; class StaticFramePublisher : public rclcpp::Node { public: explicit StaticFramePublisher(char * transformation[]) : Node("static_turtle_tf2_broadcaster") ...
#include <tf2_ros/static_transform_broadcaster.h> #include <memory> using std::placeholders::_1; class StaticFramePublisher : public rclcpp::Node { public: explicit StaticFramePublisher(char * transformation[]) : Node("static_turtle_tf2_broadcaster") ...