The Sniper Rifle is the default primary weapon for the Sniper. It is a single-shot, bolt-action rifle with a wooden stock and a massive telescopic scope, with a laser sight attached underneath. The rifle has no spread, no damage ramp-up or fall-off, and has a zoom sight like all ...
狙擊槍(Sniper Rifle)是屬於狙擊手的預設主要武器。它是一把有著木製槍托、金屬槍管、狙擊鏡和一個雷射定標器的長槍。 狙擊槍有良好的準確度,且不會因為距離而傷害衰減,且還有狙擊鏡功能。開啟狙擊鏡時會顯示藍或紅色的雷射標點以及目前的充電量。當啟動狙擊鏡時,充電量會從 0% 到 100% 持續增加,充電量到達...
weapon_unusual_cool_sniperrifle Cool Unusual for Sniper Rifle. weapon_unusual_cool_stickybomb_launcher Cool Unusual for Stickybomb Launcher. weapon_unusual_cool_wrench Cool Unusual for Wrench. weapon_unusual_energyorb_flamethrower Energy Orb Unusual for Flamethrower. weapon_unusual_energyorb_grenade...
Full patch notes (as ripped from the Terraia wiki): Mechanics and Gameplay: The content of presents have been altered and now contain more goodies. They are also now placeable and stack in your inventory. Santa Claus now has a larger variety of Holiday related items that he will sell to ...
We have removed support for DirectX 8.0.This effectively breaks support for SDK2013's map compiler tools (vbsp, vvis, vrad). Please consultour wiki guideon how to update your toolset. HDR is now forced-enabled by default. This should reduce map compile time and file size, as you no lon...
December 6th Patch Notes (from the Official TF2 Wiki): Added Crate #75, Crate #76, and Crate #77 to the drop list Removed Crate #57, Crate #59 and Crate #71 from the drop list Added new Strange parts that can be applied to Strange cosmetic items Fixed a client crash related to the...
Sniper Rifle (disambiguation) Sniper Riflemay refer to:
Being off the floor by jumping or swimming will prevent the player from firing the Sniper Rifle. Although, these can be used to conserve ammunition. Running or walking will also prevent the Sniper from charging a shot, forcing the latter to stop. ...
狙击步枪(测试型1)(Beta Sniper Rifle 1)是在军团要塞2测试版中狙击手的主武器。使用的是现版本狙击步枪的模型。 与初始狙击步枪相同,这把武器没有伤害衰竭并有着完美的精准度。当玩家使用这把武器击中敌人时,此武器的蓄能速率将增加25%。当玩家使用这把武器击中敌人并爆头时,此武器蓄能速率将增加45%。但是,...
You will know if the sniper rifle shot is fully charged by the bars to the right of the crosshair inside the scope or a sound is played if you have enabled it. Aim for the head to inflict critical damage. Zoom in with the sniper rifle by hitting MOUSE2. Use your secondary slot ...