image_dir The path to the directory where raw images are stored String – annotations_file The path to the annotation JSON file String – output_dir The output directory where TFRecords are saved String – tag The number of shards for the converted TFRecords Integer 256 num_shards The path ...
This section describes how to generate a TensorRT engine using trtexec, which allows you to deploy TAO-trained models on TensorRT, Triton, and Deepstream.Sample Command for a EfficientDet Model To generate an .onnx file for EfficientDet, refer to the EfficientDet documentation. You can also refer...
annotations_file The path to the annotation JSON file String – output_dir The output directory where TFRecords are saved String – tag The number of shards for the converted TFRecords Integer 256 num_shards The path to a TAO pruned model for re-training, if any String – include_mask Whet...