Community Spy strategy (Classic) (create) Community Standin strategy (create) Community Steel strategy (create) Community Suijin strategy (create) Community Sunshine strategy (create) Community Swiftwater strategy (create) Community Territorial Control strategy (create) Community Terror strategy (create) ...
Fixed Spy's class image changing position when disguising (16:9 version) Added player icon to Contol Point icons (4:3 version) Overheal is visible in the target info againToonHUD 1.7 (07/27/2013)4:3 and 16:10 support (separate download) Added icons for Buff Banner, Concheror and Battal...
In her photo appearance, she wears only blue clothing, so it could be assumed that the RED Scout's mother probably wears red in theme with her son's team color as well. Seven compromising photos of her and the RED Spy are kept in a top secret file labeled 'Scout's Mom' in the ...
It still has a 15% damage penalty from the standard Revolver, and stores a critical hit each time a building is destroyed while the Spy’s sapper-slot item is deployed on it. But now, it also stores critical hits for each backstab kill you earn! You can easily earn five stored crits ...
* Download Accelerators (all clients) * GhostSurf 2007 * Google Toolbar, Google Updater * K-Lite Codec Pack * LimeWire, BearShare or other Peer 2 Peer applications * Slysoft AnyDVD * TeamSpeak (can lead to mic issues) * Tuneup WinStyler Theme Service * Ventrilo (can lead to mic issues...
(This has probably already been done, but it doesn't hurt to throw a suggestion in.) Such has been done with The Saharan Spy Pack's creator. Maybe this is what we need to do for the remaining items? --Krizzle_010:51, 14 October 2010 (UTC) ...
The contents in this community model pack have many various themes, mainly revolving around, but not bound to: Railroads and trains, maritime and seashore buildings, underwater Spy-tech constructions with marine wildlife, and generic forest assets. ...
25 Fix the "spy sapping my wiki" easter egg 26 Taking requests for converting talk pages back to regular 'ol wikitext 27 Configuring Extension:ParserFunctions 28 "Random page" button sends you to pages with different languages 29 Tooltip template on mobile devices 30 Make this wiki's theme ...
Spy (Classic) (create)Spy (competitive) (create)Spy Trap (create)Spy match-ups (Classic) (create)Spy weapons (competitive) (create)Spycrab (disambiguation) (create)Spyder (create)Spyware Shipping (custom mission) (create)Squatter's Right (create)...
Template:Dictionary/classes/spy (view source) Template:Dictionary/common strings/bold items are part of item sets (yellow links) (view source) Template:Dictionary/common strings/expiration date (view source) Template:Dictionary/common strings/love & war update (view source) Template:Dictionary/...