[合併] v•d•e Soldiercosmetic items 狙擊手 vs. 間諜更新無差別職業更新第一次社群貢獻更新 士兵特製頭盔紳士服務獎章不鏽鋼平底鍋暴君頭盔日本武士戰盔 第二次社群貢獻更新2010年8月25日更新曼恩企業更新 士官戰帽百戰天蟲鋼盔印地安酋長帽榴彈手的軟帽維多利亞軍帽 ...
Cosmetic items (previously known as hats and miscellaneous items, or miscs) are items that can be equipped in any one of the three cosmetic slots in the loadout screen. Valve introduced the first set of nine cosmetics in the Sniper vs. Spy Update, with one hat for each class. The nine...
One lucky class is going to get a full-fledged class pack in a future update! New weapons! New balancing! New achievements! It could be Heavy. Or it could be Pyro. But it's not gonna be both! Here's how it works. The next time you start the game, you'll be asked to pick a...
Rick May, the inimitable voice of the Soldier for thirteen years, many shorts and countless updates, passed away this April at age 79. We were lucky enough to work with Rick many times in the studio over the past decade. A quick-witted and kind-hearted collaborator, Rick endowed the chara...
Added the Winter 2024 Cosmetic Case Contains 23 new community-contributed items The Festivizer can be found as a bonus drop when opening the case Added 3 new community-contributed taunts to the Mann Co. Store Taunt: Fore-Head Slice Taunt: Peace!
Added a “Show Untradable Items” checkbox to the recipe UI Added the smoke effect to The Soldier’s Stogie Added the InfoShow 2014 community event medal Added Crate #82 and Crate #83 to the drop list Crate drop rates have been significantly lowered Removed Crate #60, Crate #75, Crate ...
The Tough Break Cosmetic Case Buying access to theTough Break Campaignalso grants you this remarkably chic cosmetics case as a weekly bonus drop. Fifteen unique souvenirs and knick-knacks wait for you inside! New Maps A portion of the money made from sales of contract passes will go to the ...
1. Seven New Cosmetic Items In order to promote the upcoming game Bioshock Infinite, Steam is giving away all seven hats in Genuine quality for anyone who prepurchases the game ($59.99 base price). There is a BIG CATCH: enough people have to preorder the game to unlock the hats. Assumi...
Soldier's Stash LimitedLevel 1 - 100 Cosmetic Item This hat does not in any way, shape, or form, promote smoking or gambling. “ Your country did not prepare you for the level of violence you will meet on my battlefield! Click to listen ...
TheDetectiveis acommunity-createdcosmetic itemfor theSoldier. Itreplacesthe Soldier's default helmet with a team-coloredfedorawith a dark team-colored band, while also giving him longer hair andsideburns. This item has twostyles, named "Paint Hair" and "Paint Hat". The "Paint Hair" style ap...