The Soldier figure includes his Rocket Launcher and Shovel, along with three spare hands. Purchasers of the RED Soldier action figure receive a code for a Genuine Tyrant's Helm, while purchasers of the BLU variant receive a Genuine Stainless Pot. 7″ Action Figure – Series 2 Heavy 7″ ...
− File:Merch_Soldier_Figure.jpeg|[ Soldier Figurine士兵塑像] + File:Merch_Soldier_Figure.jpeg|[ 士兵玩偶](停售) ...
resulting in a dynamic and fast-paced environment. The server introduces unique weapon attributes not found in the standard game, adding an element of surprise and creativity to battles. Some crazy alterations players may encounter are the soldier's rocket launcher with +400 Bonus Damage and +200...
Players can choose from limited classes fitting the theme, such as Soldier, Demoman, Pyro (with the Fire Axe), and Medic (with the Crusader's Crossbow). Combat revolves around melee and projectile-based engagements, emphasizing swordplay, archery, and timing. Health regeneration and Medic ...
The second figure in Gaming Heads' TF2 statue line has been revealed in the form of the Soldier! Like the Heavy, the Soldier will have team colored variants and an exclusive version that comes with both the Rocket Launcher and the Direct Hit. January 24, 2011 - TF2 Official Blog updated....
[Undocumented]Revealed four of the Mysterious Promos asRed Heavy Action Figure Promo,Red Soldier Action Figure Promo,Blue Heavy Action Figure PromoandBlue Soldier Action Figure Promo [Undocumented]Revealed the rest of the NECA action figure promos. ...
...that the Soldier got rejected from all branches of the US military during WWII? …机枪手的转轮机枪每单位弹药发射 4 颗子弹,且他在弹药耗尽之前可连续射击 20 秒,这意味着“萨沙”每分钟只能发射 2400 发子弹,而不是《拜见机枪手》中所说的 10000 发? …火焰兵的起爆者可以以类似于火箭跳的方式进...
each team consists of a scout,soldier,pyro,demoman,heavy,engineer,medic,sniper,and spy. your ultimate goal is the same, kill or be killed. cap or be capped. Takinashot 20:06, 13 May 2013 (PDT) Yes, we have a page for that. Darkid (|) 15:44, 14 May 2013 (PDT)...
BLU and RED share an intense rivalry, with nearly all encounters between the two quickly escalating into brutal and often fatal violence. Inter-company friendship is also strictly forbidden by contract. Despite this, the BLUSoldierand the REDDemomanat one time became fast friends after meeting eac...
非玩家角色(NPC),亦即不在九個可玩兵種之內的人物。雖然大部分 NPC 在遊戲中沒出現,他們在絕地要塞2的故事線中仍舊有一定的重要性。 內容 [ 席拉斯.曼恩長眠於此 —席拉斯.曼恩不怎麼準確的墓碑碑文 ” 曼恩企業Harvest2010萬聖節更新網頁裡的墓碑上面的「Silas」看到。