Description: Only two things are known for sure about the mysterious Pyro: he sets things on fire and he doesn't speak. In fact, only the part about setting things on fire is undisputed. Some believe his occasional rasping wheeze may be an attempt to communicate through a mouth obstructed...
An unused Soldier cosmetic named Legionaire's Lid was added into the game files during the Mann-Conomy Update, but never actually appeared in the game. An unused Pyro cosmetic named Mummy Eyes was added into the game files during Scream Fortress 2013. It could be seen in the Halloween 2013...
Updated Chemistry Sets Started dropping Series 3 Chemistry Sets with an expiration date Retroactively added Series tags to older Chemistry Sets Fixed a client crash related to killstreak effects Fixed seeing the incorrect cosmetic items on players when the server has been running for a long time Fi...
A surreal and whimsical pastel-colored dreamworld distinct from Team Fortress 2's usual rustic artstyle, it was first seen in Meet the Pyro. This aspect of the lore can also be viewed in-game by equipping certain weapons or cosmetic items. ...
Items refers to objects that players can collect and use within Team Fortress 2. With some exceptions, such as interactive taunts, weapons are the only type of item in the game to directly influence gameplay; almost all other items are purely cosmetic. ...
When removing a disguise in third person, the cosmetic items of the player the Spy is disguised as appear on the Spy for a split second. Rarely, disguised Spies can have missing bodygroups. This can cause situations such as a headless Pyro, or a hatless Scout. When a Spy is disguised ...
从枪到手套,从侧翼到鱼,从打击到帽子,并不是你今天享用的每一个物品都是在《军团要塞 2》最初发布时就存在的。纵观游戏的历史,大多数可装备的物品都是通过主要更新或内容包进行发布的。 以下是《军团要塞 2》的物品时间轴,这些记录会不断地更新和补充。
Item sets The Gas Jockey's Gear · The Infernal Imp · Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack · Burny The Pyrosaur · Malice in Pyroland · The Murky Lurker · The Ronin Roaster Pack · The Fast Food Firestarter Pack · The Sons of Arsonry Pack · The Isolated Merc · The Automated Abnormality...
” ThePyromancer's Maskis acommunity-createdcosmetic itemfor thePyro. It is a cracked skull, missing its jawbone and the right horn, which covers the front of the Pyro's gas mask. This item has threestyles, named "Original", "Full Color Paint", and "Stylish Paint". Both "Original" an...
Item setsare a feature introduced in theMann-Conomy Update. Depending on the set, a cosmetic effect may be applied to the wearer when all the items are equipped. There are currently 73 item sets; the fivePolycount Packcontest winners, threeAustralian Christmassets, eightÜber Updatesets,Dr. ...