Tag all images with the applicable license template. Images that violate the terms of use of this website or infringe copyright will be subject to deletion. Use the {{mapimg}} template (see documentation) to automatically add the correct license for map images, use the {{classimg}} ...
Added images for loading screen / chalkboard from the map Removed crate and adjusted ramp size near closing door at last area Renamed all the control points to have point letters Improved some clipping in the map Improved visual look of the pit with decals Improved lightning and thunder system ...
It has image support for every vanilla map in the game, and plenty of mainstream competitive ones as well as most Creators.tf maps. It even has custom images for surf maps, jump maps, and MGE maps! It's pretty smart, and can figure out whether you're in a server or on the main ...
label_map YAML file that stores index to label name mapping (Optional) If set, annotated images will have class labels associated with bounding boxes String – max_boxes_to_draw The maximum number of bounding boxes that will be rendered in the annotated images String – results_dir The directo...
https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/List_of_TF2_Script_Functions Added the ability to change the skybox dynamically using the skybox_swapper entity or SetSkyboxTexture Added support for custom MvM upgrade files packed into the map Added point_worldtext, an entity that can show text dynamicall...
错误日志 (joyoo) yinzhuoqundeMacBook-Pro:joyoo yinzhuoqun$ python manage.py celery worker --loglevel=info raven.contrib.django.client.DjangoClient: 2019-12-15 02:07:00,997 /Users/yinzhuoqun/.pyenv/joyoo/lib/python3.6/site-packages/raven/base.py [line:213] INF ...
Added "Load Saved Settings" and "Save Current Settings" buttons to the Casual mode Map Selection menu Fixed hitmarker animations stacking and possibly causing frame dropsToonHUD 8.3 (09/29/2016)Fixed for the latest TF2 update: Casual Rematch Fixed class model overlapping with player list thus pr...
Image Resizing:To support training multiple images per batch we resize all images to the same size. For example, 1024x1024px on MS COCO. We preserve the aspect ratio, so if an image is not square we pad it with zeros. In the paper the resizing is done such that the smallest side is...
print(images_list) total_num = len(images_list) print("总数量:",total_num) train_num = int(total_num*0.8) print("训练集数量:",train_num) print("验证集数量:",total_num-train_num) list_file_1 = open(root_path+'/data_dataset_voc/txt/train.txt', 'w') ...