物品掉落系統(Item drop system)是一個可讓玩家在 TF2 裡可以更容易獲得物品的系統,這個系統會在每星期的時間額度內,每隔一段遊玩時間給予玩家一件隨機物品。 這個系統是於狙擊手 vs. 間諜更新時正式加入遊戲中,為改變玩家只能透過成就里程碑獲得物品的現象。物品掉落系統的存在目的,是要改進遊戲物品的數量和獲得方式...
The current item drop system was introduced on April 20, 2010.[1]Players are guaranteed to find items at regular intervals of 30 to 70 minutes, with an average interval of 50 minutes. The system has a cap on the amount of playtime in which drops can occur. This cap has been estimated...
Mann Co. Supply Crates are tool items obtainable through the item drop system. They are shown as open-style wooden shipping crates, wrapped in chains held with a large padlock. Mann Co. Supply Crates can be opened with the use of a Mann Co. Supply Crate Key. Anything unboxed using an ...
Updated security system Updated cp_brew The shortcut from RED spawn to the "A" point now has a nobuild trigger Added floor indicator for the health kit in the "A" point wooden shack Adjusted "A" point wooden shack to allow more breathing room Fixed getting stuck on the "A" gate'...
Updated security system Updated cp_brew The shortcut from RED spawn to the "A" point now has a nobuild trigger Added floor indicator for the health kit in the "A" point wooden shack Adjusted "A" point wooden shack to allow more breathing room Fixed getting stuck on the "A" gate'...
Converted several weapon models[4] to use the c_models system Updated the localization files Bug Fixes Fixed an exploit where charging Demoman could turn more than allowed Fixed a bug where Halloween spellbooks were overriding PDAs and Disguise Kits Fixed The Director’s Vision taunt not playing...
System ram 16gbs 512 gb ssd Approximately 1-2 times per hour there is massive frame drop (down to 1-2 fps) sound slows and becomes digitally distorted. Lasts for a few secs then returns to more or less normal. I have reinstalled the os and used several gpu drivers. This app is set...
Oh, and the presents now drop lots of festive items, including weapons, eatables, costume parts, and of course, candy cane blocks. “What’s this?! A chakram… made of fruitcake?!?” In similar fashion, you can enable Halloween Mode by setting your computer’s system time to a date ...
ONLINE CONDUCT, CHEATING AND ILLEGAL BEHAVIOR 你同意不使用任何作弊,”自动化软件”,模组,破解或是任何未被授权的第三方软件用来修改或是将市场程序自动化 VAC说明 The VAC system reliably detects cheats using their cheat signatures. Any third-party modification to a game designed to give one player an ...