Always have an ideal price for every item you trade to prevent unfair exchanges. You can find out using price guided websites. If you feel that you are offering too much, ask a friend or another player. There are many "price guides" available online that estimate the value of items being...
At, the world of item & skin trading is at your fingertips. While items were traditionally only purchased and sold on the Steam marketplace, third party trading platforms are the new big thing! Third-party trading platforms and marketplaces like provide an alternative option ...
Item roulette scam This scam involves a TF2 gambling website that the scammer supposedly runs. Some of these websites fake the entire process. [19] Typically, a scammer adds a TF2 player over steam to their friends list. If the TF2 player accepts, the scammer asks the player to advertise...
The prices on the market are usually quite high if you compare it with buying a item with keys/metal instead, there’s a exception though, during the big Steam sales, during the sales people wants to buy games that are on the sale, and they need Steam funds to do that, so they sell...
The impact of price guide / price list making sudden changes to a certain item is overestimated.The general public does adjust their trading pattern according to such websites. Changing the value for 1-2 days has virtually no impact on the market. ...
Always have an ideal price for every item you trade to prevent unfair exchanges. You can find out using price guided websites. If you feel that you are offering too much, ask a friend or another player. There are many "price guides" available online that estimate the value of items being...
We don't know. If there's anything we can do, is ask for someone who plans on buying one legitimately and asking them for help. Last time that the item got in 50% off, a lot of people bought one, so. - ▪ - 20:01, 19 July 2019 (UTC) If you give it some time, ...
Always have an ideal price for every item you trade to prevent unfair exchanges. You can find out using price guided websites. If you feel that you are offering too much, ask a friend or another player. There are many "price guides" available online that estimate the value of items being...
Always have an ideal price for every item you trade to prevent unfair exchanges. You can find out using price guided websites. If you feel that you are offering too much, ask a friend or another player. There are many "price guides" available online that estimate the value of items being...
物品稀有度通常與該物品的[[Item quality/zh-hant|屬性]]有所關聯。 *[[Unique/zh-hant|獨特屬性]]的武器是遊戲中最常見的掉落物品,通常是所有物品中最低的價值的存在,因為它們是最常見的掉落物品且易於製造、合成。如果某些物品的等級具有特定的數字(例如42、69或100)或合成編號(例如1至100),則可能會...