4407 10 2:51 App 机器人 :为啥那么多呆毛 785 6 14:41 App 【DEWILL】TF2: MVM Pyro Brings Me Pain ( Bite-Sized Stream ) 2.5万 153 38:58 App 【渣翻】对于在TF2选用爆破手感觉如何的补充 Extras from How it FEELS to Play Demoman in TF2浏览...
88 -- 41:12 App 【b4nny】[TF2] How to play cp_sultry (Map Review) 803 -- 0:49 App 【chimparoncito】狗頭行走的罕見鏡頭(沒在騙的)rare tf2 footage of the scout walking (real) 431 -- 0:17 App 【chimparoncito】Spy最被低估的能力 spy's most underrated feature 84 -- 1:13:03 ...
Moved "How to Play" sign to spawn area. Added instructions for all games. Mission: Advanced increased starting money to $600. Advanced decreased wave 1 money to $1200. Changes in B6: Fixed deathpit. Fixed bomb getting stuck in some places. Changes in B7: Added Blackjack! New and Im...
The campaign system has been given a new layer of paint, returning with new exclusive rewards and new ways to play. ''2017年10月16日-TF2 官方部落格更新。 Welcome to... Mercenary Park! After almost a year since it's announcement, the next major update is finally on the horizon... ...
However, these individuals also abuse bugs and oversights in order to negatively impact the outcome of an MvM match. I'm listing every griefing method I've seen in hopes that the gamemode becomes relatively safe to play again for every Team Fortress 2 player, regardless of experience. Here ...
This is visible to everyone! You can't play without the beta pass though. Store button is now a sub button in Items button New notifications panel Added ToonHUD buttons to footer Competitive fixes: Fixed chat window changing position Fixed borders of round timer Fixed stopwatch position Added ...
Ninjaneers have more freedom to be ninjas The bots have learned how to play the map Gave the cart another coronación de gloria 分享: 2024 年 12 月 17 日 Team Fortress 2 Update Released Team Fortress 2 An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied au...
This wagering requirement is in place to ensure fair play and is clearly outlined in our terms. It helps maintain a safe and enjoyable experience for all users.Thank you for your understanding, and we hope you’ll give us another chance.Best regards,TF2Easy staff. Advertisement Luca NR 1 ...
Otherwise, awesome, love MvM :) Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote Author purplekirby54 - Nov 1 2012 - 128 comments yeah, this was more of a FRAPS test than anything. We've learned not to have the volume up too high, but bear with us cuz it continues through halfway through ...
It would be nice if SendToConsole could take a player argument, but block commands behind the server_can_execute flag for anyone besides the listen server host, replacing point_clientcommand. The bot_generator entity offers a few functions that would be nice to have access to for MvM: ...