bind <key> - 将某个键绑定成特定命令 bind <key> - 显示这个键绑定的命令 unbind <key> - 取消绑定这个键 unbindall – 取消绑定所有的键 dropitem – 丢下情报箱. kill – 自杀 explode – 爆炸自杀 +attack – 让玩家不断地进行“按左键”动作 (跟 M1一样) (-attack 会关闭) +attack2 -让...
bind f4 exit 這巨集會在建造前先破壞要建造的建築,使玩家建造前無需開啟破壞菜單。 Medic Radar This set of aliases and commands will temporarily boost theMedic's autocall threshold to 150% (a fully-overhealed player)for as long as they hold a key down, allowing him to see where all of his...
I have +ip because my server has multiple interfaces, so it needs to bind to a specific one. You will most likely not need that. If you're running the server on port 27015, you only need to forward 27015 -> 27015 to your machine. Personally I have forwarded 5506 -> 27015 and 5507...
This is pretty rare, but still. Not a whole lot you can do about this, except maybe.. like.. bind W or mouse1 or something to print to the console when you press it ingame?AboutLightweight, cross-platform Discord Rich Presence support for TF2 ...
Novice approach:Bind keys you don’t use (O, P, PageDown, S) to promotional messages. Preferably, these keys will be in a tetrameter reminiscent of the greatest sonnets. When played out in sequence, your hypnotizing slant rhymes and pastoral imagery will elicit the respect (and therefore the...
How do I build a VST plugin on Mac without using Xcode? (I'm using Code::Blocks). If you really insist on bypassing Xcode, you should just go ahead and use 'make', which probably will prove to be just... Creating a text file with a variable as the name of the text file ...
bind <key> - 設定一串指令的快速鍵 unbind <key> - 取消快速鍵 dropitem - 丟掉情報箱 explode - 自爆 kill - 自殺 fov_desired 70-90 - 設定視野(調高一點可以看到比較多東西,但 FPS 可能會降低) jointeam red/blue/auto/spectator - 加入隊伍(如果太多人同時想加入一個隊伍,你可能會卡在觀察者模式,...
bind [KEY] [COMMAND] Quotes can be optionally placed around the key and/or the command. However, the commands will need to have quotes when it has spaces in between the values and the command, so that the console can interpret it as one command. An example would be bind mouse1 "say ...
Keyboard: Allows for simple key binding (can be done in command console withbind "KEY" "COMMAND"). The advanced options allow for fast weapon switching (change slots without confirming with the attack key) and enabling developer console (an important option for anyone using console commands). ...
Controls the percentage (in decimal) of the minimum amount of people needed for the Extend Level vote to succeed. Defaults to 0.6 (60%).sv_vote_issue_kick_allowed Allow kick votes to be called. Defaults to 0 (disabled).sv_vote_issue_kick_namelock_duration How long to prevent kick target...