Whole number between 0 and how many players the server can hold. Default is 0. Example tf_bot_quota 2, if tf_bot_quota_mode = match, will add two bots to the server for every one human. tf_bot_quota_mode Determines the type of quota. Syntax tf_bot_quota_mode<normal/fill/match...
Whole number between 0 and how many players the server can hold. Default is 0. Example tf_bot_quota 2, if tf_bot_quota_mode = match, will add two bots to the server for every one human. tf_bot_quota_mode Determines the type of quota. Syntax tf_bot_quota_mode<normal/fill/match...
TF2 Bot Detector is a standalone application that calls a votekick against known bots and cheaters on your team. If they are on the other team, it will send a chat message telling the other team to kick their cheater. What ISN'T TF2 Bot Detector? TF2BD isn't a perfect solution. It ...
Is there currently a way to grab somebody's steam name? I'd like to do some fun stuff like displaying "MYNAME has entered the trigger" text and other stuff. Here is an example that prints the nickname of all players on the server to the console: ...
Scrap.tfis a trading service that let you exchange a your items for metal (and the other way around) with the sites bots. If you want to convert your key to metal or exchange your weapons/trading cards/hats for metal you can do this here. It’s a great place to get rid of unwanted...
Whole number between 0 and how many players the server can hold. Default is 0. Example tf_bot_quota 2, if tf_bot_quota_mode = match, will add two bots to the server for every one human. tf_bot_quota_mode Determines the type of quota. Syntax tf_bot_quota_mode<normal/fill/match...
Use nav_edit 1 to enter nav mesh editing mode. Reload/Restart the server (optional, but if it is not done, then achievements will be disabled). Open console and type tf_bot_add <number> as above to add bots.WARNING: The game is likely to crash if you edit the navigation mesh with...
Added gatebot hats to chips bots. Starting Bots spawn slightly sooner. New Chips Icon. Intermediate Mission: Added 3 more waves. Wave 1 removed uber medics. Other waves, nerfed uber meds. Advanced Mission: Renamed to Cashgrab Chaos. Buffed overdose medic. Adjusted timings. Casino Changes: ...
Also for the config and bots spawning, do you still want the starting bots to be Pyro, Soldier, Medic, and Spy? in my videos, the bots are Demoman, Heavy, Sniper, and Scout. if you want the same setup for the bots, i'll change them, then upload the config file here. Oh yea...
If bots are compression blasted on an incline while moving, they will stop in place until air blasted again. The button for spawning Heavies is not working properly. This is most likely a script error, as adding an AI Heavy bot requires the command "tf_bot_add HeavyWeapons", while a ...